Freedom of speech isn’t to protect people but to protect free speech from people. Stopping speech that offends us isn’t freedom of speech it the converse, it is exactly why America’s Constitution protect offensive speech.
That importance is now clear our nation has fallen into the trap of political correct speech which is anti-free speech what regimes must have to oppress and control the people.
The power of controlling speech means controlling people not to uphold the law for fear of reprisal; right down to neighbor spying on each other over word usage.
The power of this control is a bottomless pity of brutality blackness of darkness freezing people into morbid fear.
A concept lost in propaganda! Law say stop; rolling through a Stop sign is illegal we have broken the law. We have empowered the law to act against us, next we have due process where the State must prove we’ve broke the law.
Freedom of Speech works the same way, hateful speech protected, but hateful acts against people are not, one breaks the law the other is protected by law.
Wanting to run a Stop sign is not illegal, hoping to run a Stop sign is not illegal, running through a Stop sign is illegal. Making thoughts illegal is demonic,, it steals free will giving abusive power to evil who judge people by gender, religion, skin color, politics, race, wealth, power, position; it is a road rage that imputes motives without an illegal act requiring due process of law.