Bible Reading And Discussion Audio Recordings
1 Peter 4:1 Suffering in the Flesh Ceases From Sin
(66M)1Pet.4:1 Forasmuch then as Christ suffered for us in the flesh, arm yourselves also with the same mind; for he who has suffered in the flesh has ceased from sin;byJWsStraightTalk on April 12, 2019
1Cor Chap One Verses 1-2.m4a
(28.5M)The Book of 1 Corinthians Chapter 1 The New Heavens Vs. The Old EarthbyJWsStraightTalk on February 23, 2018
1Cor.1 - 3
(21.4M)First Corinthians Chapter One Verse Three Grace and PeacebyJWsStraightTalk on February 23, 2018
1Cor.1:6 -13.
(83.5M)byJWsStraightTalk on April 1, 2018
1Cor.4:1-5. I Don't Judge Myself
(70.2M)4:3 But with me it is a very small thing that I should be judged by you, or by man's judgment. Yes, I don't judge my own self.byJWsStraightTalk on September 1, 2018
(24.8M)Thanking God For Works or Grace? First Corinthians Chapter One Verses 4 and 5byJWsStraightTalk on February 23, 2018
1John 2:27
(84.9M)2:27 As for you, the anointing which you received from him remains in you, and you don't need for anyone to teach you. But as his anointing teaches you concerning all things, and is true, and is no lie, and even as it taught you, you will remain in him.byJWsStraightTalk on May 7, 2018
(58M)3:4 Everyone who sins also commits lawlessness. Sin is lawlessness.byJWsStraightTalk on May 7, 2018
2Cor..5:16 We Know No One By Flesh
(83.4M)Bible discussion in how we know no one by the flesh any longerbyJWsStraightTalk on November 9, 2018
2Cor.6-18 Vessels Filled With Treasures Setting Creation Free
(177.8M)Vessels filled with God's treasure Christ Jesus to free creation from vanity! Bible reading AudiobyJWsStraightTalk on January 30, 2024
2Cor4:1-6 Spirit Taught or Veiled?
(110.4M)A truth not known to the world, the Good News not known by this world. No part of this world but used as God's vessel for Christ glory to judge and free it from sin!byJWsStraightTalk on January 25, 2024
(96.6M)From the Book of John various verses from Christ words about worksbyJWsStraightTalk on October 28, 2018
God is Love - How do we have God's love?
(91M)1 John 4:8 He who doesn't love doesn't know God, for God is love.byJWsStraightTalk on November 28, 2018
(83.9M)What you will never hear in religion the shocking truth of headship how it is affecting the foundational truths of God's wordbyJWsStraightTalk on August 3, 2019
Hebrew 6:1-3 Repentance from Dead Works .m4a
(69.5M)byJWsStraightTalk on June 12, 2018
(82.2M)In-depth discussion about Idol Worship in all areas of our livesbyJWsStraightTalk on May 3, 2019
James Chap Four Verses 12-17.
(74.5M)Doing Business In That CitybyJWsStraightTalk on April 14, 2018
James Chap One Verses 1 thru 7.m4a
(86.2M)byJWsStraightTalk on April 14, 2018
James Chap One Verses 12-18.m4a
(85.6M)byJWsStraightTalk on April 14, 2018
James Chap One Verses 8-12.m4a
(88M)byJWsStraightTalk on April 14, 2018
James Chapter Three.
(90.5M)Discussion and reading of James Chapter Three audio recording about teachingbyJWsStraightTalk on February 17, 2018
John 3:1-16 Born Again
(86.7M)Born Anew The Wind Blows Where It WantsbyJWsStraightTalk on September 2, 2018
John 8 - verses 22-44.m4a
(98M)byJWsStraightTalk on September 11, 2018
John Chap Eight Verses 1 to 21
(75M)Reading and commentary John chapter eight "Casting The First Stone"byJWsStraightTalk on March 25, 2018
John Chap Three Verse Eight
(101.8M)Keys to understanding the Kingdom. 3:8 The wind{The same Greek word (pneuma) means wind, breath, and spirit.} blows where it wants to, and you hear its sound, but don't know where it comes from and where it is going. So is everyone who is born of the Spirit."byJWsStraightTalk on September 2, 2018
John Chapter 17 Verses 1-10.m4a
(91.2M)byJWsStraightTalk on September 24, 2018
John Chapter 8:45-55
(87.4M)byJWsStraightTalk on February 27, 2019
Offering Freedom or Enslavement.
(90.9M)Bible Discussion of Rev.22:17 and 2Pet.2:19byJWsStraightTalk on March 29, 2018
Owe No One Anyting But Love.m4a
(96M)byJWsStraightTalk on January 29, 2022
(86.7M)Rom. 11:16 If the first fruit is holy, so is the lump. If the root is holy, so are the branches.byJWsStraightTalk on March 20, 2022
(95.8M)Rom.13:8 Owe no one anything, except to love one another; for he who loves his neighbor has fulfilled the law. THE KEY TO ALL TRUTH OF GODbyJWsStraightTalk on October 9, 2018
Romans Chapter Seven - Part 3.
(90.6M)Part Three Listen to last: Romans Chapter Seven Verses 13-25byJWsStraightTalk on February 17, 2018
Romans Chapter Seven Part One.
(62.1M)Romans Chapter Seven Verses 1-6 Bible Reading and discussionbyJWsStraightTalk on February 17, 2018
Romans Chapter Seven Verses 7-12 Part Two
(64.7M)Romans Chapter Seven Verses 7-12byJWsStraightTalk on February 17, 2018
Romans chap Eight verses 1 to 7.
(89.3M)Reading and commentary on Romans the Eighth ChapterbyJWsStraightTalk on March 2, 2019