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Daily Bible Thought > Not Blowing Our Trumpet

Matt.6:3 But when you do merciful deeds, don't let your left hand know what your right hand does, 6:4 so that your merciful deeds may be in secret, then your Father who sees in secret will reward you openly.

Christ Jesus uses very pictorial wording to help us grasp the self-effacing act of doing merciful deeds towards others. We are not to let our left hand know what the right hand is doing, which is a tall order when our brain controls both sides of our body. Christ knows that it not possible for the right hand not to know what the left hand is doing, so what does he mean?

Christ is the head of the congregation of his anointed body parts if Christ is working through us with the Holy Spirit both the right and left hand would be servants of the body of Christ. Neither would have individual wills they would be doing the will of the head or brain, it not possible to take credit as a hand for the merciful works being performed through the body of Christ.

Let us bear in mind the great importance Christ placed on doing things privately and in secret when we do good works; if we feel the need to blow our trumpet we are in sin and walking in the flesh stealing glory that goes belongs to God for His great mercy towards us.