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Daily Bible Thought > Roman's Chapter Eight Verse Ten

Rom.8:10 If Christ is in you, the body is dead because of sin, but the spirit is alive because of righteousness.

Here is the simplest truth of God's word, if there is no sin in Christ Jesus and we are grafted into him as part of the true tree, or vine we cannot have sin, but why? Simply put, the law judging sin was completed and removed in Christ Jesus death and resurrection, where there is no law too judge us for sinning, neither is there sin charged.

Romans 5:13 For until the law, sin was in the world; but sin is not charged when there is no law.

This one point so confuses most Christian's, but it is the key to understand God, and their faith, without understanding this first stepping stone in their faith one cannot move down the narrow and cramped road into life. Although we sin God chooses by legal choice not to judge us with His righteous law, He choose rather to love us by the Royal law of love. In other words, God can legally block sight of our sinning in His love, God can put faith in His own love over punishing us by His law. God understand what we human cannot understand or practice, that is, we live in sin, and a flawed world. God knows that love cannot be gotten without, showing love. In other words, love waters love, love produce more love.

Law produce more law, death produce more death. Jesus Christ is life, he is the source of all life for the human race, but why is he the source of all life? Because he completed God righteous laws given to Moses, in completing it faithfully God rewarded him with the reward of the law, which is eternal life. If we could live perfectly under the Old Law its reward for us would be eternal life. Christ Jesus is the only man that every lived up to it, and was rewarded by God's law with eternal life.

Because Christ Jesus was the Son of Man, his eternal life saves the son's of men from death, but what death. The death sentence given from breaking God's laws. Now God can give the merit of Jesus Christ faithful life too us by our faith in him. Thus, we are saved in the righteousness of Christ Jesus, because it is given to us by being in Christ Jesus as a body member.

1Cor.1:30 But of him, you are in Christ Jesus, who was made to us wisdom from God, and righteousness and sanctification, and redemption:

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