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Daily Bible Thought > 1John2:2 Turning God's Wrath Away?

1John 2:2 And he is the atoning sacrifice{"atoning sacrifice" is from the Greek "hilasmos," an appeasing, propitiating, or the means of appeasement or propitiation--the sacrifice that turns away God's wrath because of our sin.} for our sins, and not for ours only, but also for the whole world.

We cannot turn God's wrath away by self-will, or doing good works, in and of ourselves. It is by the atoning sacrifice of Christ Jesus as an expression of God's own love toward His children, and the word (Christ Jesus the Word of God) that the law of Moses was fulfilled in, Christ Jesus righteous blood.

Appeasement of God's wrath, what wrath? When a person breaks any law there is punishment to be brought upon them, that is, wrath, not as one might imagine fire, coming out of the mouth of God, because He is a wrathful God, no! But rather a real legal breaking of law, requiring justice to be brought upon us.

Thus, God appeases His judgment/wrath by blood, first under Moses by the blood of animals, something that should shock us, knowing that innocent life must die for our sins, but why? Life, and/or the lost of precious life, not our own, is the only payment that can be made for our sins, life is always lost by our sins, rather we understand that or not. In other words, if we remain in sin, we pass on sin too others, by proxy or procreation or are evil actions.

In other words, as long as their sin in us and the world there is death and the many unrighteous pain caused by death in our world. But God's standard of justice by His righteous laws are much higher, which is, no death, not some or a little death is OK.

Life precious innocent life will always be lost until Christ Jesus complete perfectly the removal of sin from the human race. Hence, the reminder of blood, that covers our sins, appeasing God's wrath by not meeting his perfect law. However, if we love each other, we cover sin, because love works no harm towards our neighbor, so we cover a multitude of sins by loving our brothers, which the apostle John is going to speak too in his letters written through God's Holy Spirit.

But first let us remember it is the law that cause wrath between God and man, why? Because if you are being judged it means a hostil relitionship, not a trusting loving relationship, but apostle John and others bible writers will teach us how God removes his wrath, and/or judgment off of us.

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