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Daily Bible Thought > Rom.8:21 Liberty!

Rom. 8:21 that the creation itself also will be delivered from the bondage of decay into the liberty of the glory of the children of God.

The whole of creation will be delivered from bondage of decay through the freedom or liberty of God's children, but how? Freedom or liberty is the free will to live in love, living in God's love is total freedom, freedom from death, freedom from sin, freedom from sickness and disease, but none of these freedom(s) will be had without first freedom from God's righteous judgment of sin.

John 8:36 If therefore the Son makes you free, you will be free indeed.

Adam and Eve from their own judgment caused sin to enter into the world, their judgments made them into god's, all god's other than the Almighty God Yahweh are vanity, none in their goodness or evil can produce what God created man to live in which is love. Man was created to live in God's love, in God's love, is the condition of life eternal. All man's judgments miss the mark of God's highest standard of love, which then produces sin and death.

Rom.3:16 Destruction and misery are in their ways.
3:17 The way of peace, they haven't known."{Isaiah 59:7-8}

For mankind to fully comprehend God's standard of love, first and foremost God needed to show mankind that his good in him is actual evil/sin producing death. In other words, mankind judges according to his ways, when he did good, he would feel it was good enough to gain him everlasting life. This misjudgment would landed him at the start of sin and death by his first parents Adam and Eve. So God eventually gave mankind, that is, the nation of Israel, His righteous Law. God's righteous Law proved that mankind could not live up to God's high standards of being accounted sinless by his goodness, or good works. Sinless, means living in God's Royal law of love perfectly.

Although, we love as sinful humans we do not live in love perfectly, so we fail short of God's glory, which in turn produce death. Mankind has to be created new, for them to once again live in God's Royal love perfectly. God next step was creating mankind new, but to do this He must remove His righteous Law condemning us of sin, but the problem was that none of us could live sinless under the Law. So God sent to us, in the likeness of sinful humans, His only begotten Son Christ Jesus.

Christ Jesus did live in, and under God's Law in love perfectly, by him living in God's love, he fulfilled the law, for the law's fulfillment is love. The next step God accounted Christ Jesus life, which is righteous, too us, but what does this mean? It mean by this accounting of Christ life to sinful humans they become new, new how? Their old life under sins law, and God righteous Law are dead in Jesus Christ, dead how? Dead because they are no longer judged as sinners, by God's righteous law, and sins law. When sin is not judged, it cannot come to life in God's eyes.

Hebrews 9:14 how much more will the blood of Christ, who through the eternal Spirit offered himself without blemish to God, cleanse your conscience from dead works to serve the living God?

This new creation is free to live in God's love, without sin, because they have no law judging them as sinnners. Thus, they are new by being made a part of Christ Jesus spiritual body. So their new life is controlled by God's Royal Law when they walk in God's Spirit they are lead by the will of God. They stay in God's love, which is life, so they eat from the tree of life in the Garden of God's love, Jesus Christ.

13:10 Love doesn't harm a neighbor. Love therefore is the fulfillment of the law.

The tree of life is Jesus Christ, and it is the fruits of God's Spirit which produces the saying of everlasting life on it branches in fruits of the Spirit. These children of God or Son's of God, chose by faith to subject themselves again to God's love., They are not punished into, or nagged into eating from the tree of life. They willingly love God, and in turn they receive God's love in fruits of His Spirit which is eternal life.

But there is more, much more that Paul address in chapter eight of Romans, and that is the sufferings in Christ Jesus that set creation free from bondage of sin. The suffering God's children go through is what set free the rest of creation, they are just the first fruits of the Spirit. This is the last step in God's plan.

Living in God's love without judgment of sin causes the Son's of God much suffering on earth, but how, and why? It is the nature of sin that causes death, what does that mean, it means sin is lack of love, lack of love causes separation between God and man. God in His divine wisdom did not remove the Son's of God from sin on earth, He instead removed the laws condemning them as sinners. Now the son's of God taste and see the beauty of God's love. But their personal sins and those of others causes them a lack of love at times putting them into death, what kind of death. Death judged by sins law, in this death state, God still shows them love, and they are not judged by Him, but rather they are judged by their own judgments in sins laws.

John 3:6 That which is born of the flesh is flesh. That which is born of the Spirit is spirit.

John 6:63 It is the spirit who gives life. The flesh profits nothing. The words that I speak to you are spirit, and are life.

Here is where they learn to set creation free from all thought of sins, within this suffering of getting back to the life of the Spirit through their faith they are perfected in their faith. It is the perfection of their faith in God's love, which will set creation free on all levels of sin, into the freedom of the Son's of God. In this condition of perfected love, from mankind vanity of judgments of good and evil, liberty of freedom from corruption will be found.

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