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Daily Bible Thought > 1John 2:15-17 No Part of The World

1John 2:15 Don't love the world, neither the things that are in the world. If anyone loves the world, the Father's love isn't in him. 2:16 For all that is in the world, the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life, isn't the Father's, but is the world's. 2:17 The world is passing away with its lusts, but he who does God's will remains forever.

Christian's must understand being no part of the world is not going into some monastery away from the world, nor associating with some group exclusively where there is no contact with anyone, but those they call brothers and sisters, no!

In context to John letter, our being no part of the world is being in the life of Christ Jesus, what does this mean? It means that God's children anointed by His Holy Spirit have been place into the life of Christ Jesus as body part and/or members therein. In this manner and none other are we no part of the world. Subsequently, reading the apostles John's word in context to all of what Christ Jesus spoke and the other apostles can the truth be known. Moreover, being in Christ Jesus walking by Spirit, one does not carry on the works of the flesh, or the lust thereof, neither do they love the world because Christ Jesus is not part of it, Christ Jesus is in his Kingdom, where flesh and the laws of the sinful flesh have no hold on him. But rather, Christ Jesus is governed by the law of the Spirit, which is the Royal Law of freedom, love.

This life is the incorruptible life of Christ Jesus, and is what remains forever, not the works of the flesh, Christ Kingdom will remove the kingdom of this world built by sin and its laws, he will remove all false religion of this world, yes! Religion, built by the hands of corruptible men mixing both the Royal law and the laws of the flesh permeating the whole mass into a polluted corruption empire called Babylon the Great.

The apostle John brings these brothers and sisters into the truth, the Lord Jesus Christ, where holiness of Holy Spirit produce no lust of the flesh, but rather fruit of Holy Spirit. There are no takers in Christ Jesus, like the world, competing for pride of position, and power, lusting for wealth, or fame, no! Those is Christ Jesus walk in Spirit being lead by the lowly things as mere servants of truth, that is, Jesus Christ the truth, who they have been made a part of provided they walk in love?

In this place, or temple (Jesus Christ) is where God's love remains, if we stay in the body of Christ Jesus we will not be mislead into apostasy that John was teachings against, and had already started in his time. Yes, remain in love, which means remaining in Jesus Christ, and remaining in Jesus Christ means one is no part of the world, hence we are found in the truth.

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