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Daily Bible Thought > 1John 3:16 - By This We Know Love

1John 3:16 By this we know love, because he laid down his life for us. And we ought to lay down our lives for the brothers.

For us to fulfill the Law we must love our neighbor as we love ourselves, in this manner we work no harm towards them, but we ought to lay down our lives for are brothers in Christ Jesus. Many have done just that since Christ Jesus time. Even the nations of our earth have such heroes who have laid down their very lives for brothers in arms.

However, in a world where so many are but weed-Christian's we find the opposite truth, those taking the lives of other Christian's physically and/or spiritually to preserve their own best interest. Christian's ought to lay their life down in service for their brothers and sisters, speaking truth even if they are punished for it by those they love, like Christ.

Moreover, they should love their brothers more than a religious organization, because God does not look to judgments of those in powered by religious dogma to uphold their judgment of His children, it has always been those fearing man over God that have not loved their brothers, as Christ Jesus does us, what?

Yes, it was those in the majority, those in power, and those claiming the truth too the destruction of spiritual lives, the murder not only of Christ Jesus, but all the prophets of God. Here the apostles John puts responsibility upon us as a Christian's in judging our brothers like God's judges us, in love, not human love for law, but God's love in Christ Jesus. We are than forced to individually to look after our brother, to the point of death, like Christ Jesus has us, we cannot hid behind judgment of men in power of some religious institution as an excuse for deserting those that are our brothers and sister in Christ, how can that be?

Well, it can't be when God judges the sheep and goats by how they treated the least ones of Christ Jesus brother; they cannot say too Christ: “I couldn't love him or her because the religion I was a part of, said not too!” Christ Jesus laid down his life for these very ones, he was hated and prosecuted for such righteousness, righteousness goes beyond just obeying a commandment, love goes into death when it stands for truth; you be the judge?

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