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Daily Bible Thought > 1John 4:8 - No love and No God?

1John 4:8 He who doesn't love doesn't know God, for God is love.

The love God, not man's love, God's love is a superior law, it is God Himself, and a gift too us in Jesus Christ. It is not a fear by legal definition of love, which unrighteous men uses to enslave Christian's too guilt by organization.

God's love is pure, given freely, and owes no one anything, but love, no guilt can be put upon love to enslave people to power, and control of unrighteous men claiming to speak truth for God, no! Christ Jesus is God's expression of love too us, and he can't be bought, and paid for, for the glory of men in pleasing men. He is God's one prophet in our days entrusted with the very truth of God, which is, His love.

If one does not know love, God's love, they are not in the truth, for without love one has nothing but a legal understanding of God expressed in doctrines of some man-made organization, stealing Christ Jesus rightful position. They simply are a part of a tree bearing good and evil, which is a lie, not the truth, for Christ stated the truth, no good tree has evil fruit upon it, a good tree bears only good fruit.

Those a part of God's love, Jesus Christ, eat fruit of Holy Spirit in the body of Christ Jesus, not the fruit of evil by laws; for the laws are for the wicked, not those made righteous by Christ Jesus perfect imperishable life.

They know love, by God's love expressed too them in the life of Christ Jesus which makes them righteous before God without evil, yes, without evil laws pointing out evil of sin, why? They have no sin, they are loved of God where their judgment has been removed by God's own love in giving them the perfect life of Christ Jesus as gift of His own love.

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