Col.1:20 and through him to reconcile all things to himself, by him, whether things on the earth, or things in the heavens, having made peace through the blood of his cross.
For a Christian's to think that they can through some good work reconcile themselves to God they deny the one chosen, and legally designated channel God has authorized to remove ours sin, Christ Jesus.
Christ being the firstborn of all creation the representation or image of God entrusted to reconcile all other created free moral agents, rather humans, or angels by his precious blood, is the only way we can have peace with God. Christian's must understand that peace comes from God by the removal of our sins that are opposed to the immoral incorruptible life of YHWH. Peace, not human peace, but rather peace from God's Holy Spirit. A fruit of the Holy Spirit causing trust, where the fertile ground of faith to grows - not by works of the flesh, from self, or self-rightness, but truth, and Spirit from the God of peace.
Since Adam, where sin entered into the world mankind has not had peace with God without God first providing a legal justification by innocent blood for their sins to make peace with Him. Thus, Paul speaks too the everlasting incorruptible peace God has made towards mankind by his Son Christ Jesus whom humbled himself coming too earth to do the will of this Father still in heaven.
No Jesus did not consider himself equal to God but rather exalted God own goodness by obeying him perfectly by love and faith completing what no human could ever do fulfilling the Law and removing our judgment causing wrath with God. Let us not deny the very power and truth of Christ pouring out his life's blood onto death for love of God and us. Let us not deny Christ Jesus mortality by God resurrecting him into life of the spirit world by God's righteous justice proving Satan a liar once for all time.
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Col.1:20 and through him to reconcile all things to himself, by him, whether things on the earth, or things in the heavens, having made peace through the blood of his cross.
For a Christian's to think that they can through some good work reconcile themselves to God they deny the one chosen, and legally designated channel God has authorized to remove ours sin, Christ Jesus.
Christ being the firstborn of all creation the representation or image of God entrusted to reconcile all other created free moral agents, rather humans, or angels by his precious blood, is the only way we can have peace with God. Christian's must understand that peace comes from God by the removal of our sins that are opposed to the immoral incorruptible life of YHWH. Peace, not human peace, but rather peace from God's Holy Spirit. A fruit of the Holy Spirit causing trust, where the fertile ground of faith to grows - not by works of the flesh, from self, or self-rightness, but truth, and Spirit from the God of peace.
Since Adam, where sin entered into the world mankind has not had peace with God without God first providing a legal justification by innocent blood for their sins to make peace with Him. Thus, Paul speaks too the everlasting incorruptible peace God has made towards mankind by his Son Christ Jesus whom humbled himself coming too earth to do the will of this Father still in heaven.
No Jesus did not consider himself equal to God but rather exalted God own goodness by obeying him perfectly by love and faith completing what no human could ever do fulfilling the Law and removing our judgment causing wrath with God. Let us not deny the very power and truth of Christ pouring out his life's blood onto death for love of God and us. Let us not deny Christ Jesus mortality by God resurrecting him into life of the spirit world by God's righteous justice proving Satan a liar once for all time.
See also: