Matt.5:18 For most certainly, I tell you, until heaven and earth pass away, not even one smallest letter{literally, iota} or one tiny pen stroke{or, serif} shall in any way pass away from the law, until all things are accomplished.
Did Christ say the Law would not pass-away as legally mind attorney Christian's believe? Well, certainly the Pharisee's and the Scribes of the law didn't think the law could be fulfilled, this is why unwittingly, they spelt the blood of Christ Jesus undoing the very things they worshiped, the Law!
Without Christ righteous blood the Law could never be completed for the nation of Israel, that is, no human could pay the price of the Old-Covenant, but Christ Jesus, a sinless man before God's own judgment of him by His righteous laws. The power of the law was the heavens and earth for these Jew's and their world, it could not be removed in their self-righteousness, which created hate for any not obeying the law of Moses.
Not one rule, or serif was going to be removed by their self-goodness practiced by their religious faith, the law would not be completed by a sinner needing the blood of atonement. Nor has any legal minded attorney of the Christian's faith done any better since Christ Jesus. These Christian's attorney's like the Pharisee's have indeed recreated a prostituted mixture of Old-Covenant principles and New-Covenant wording fermenting the whole lump of Christian's teachings, corrupting the Kingdom of God into a mass of yeast dole calling evil, good, and good, evil.
Christ paid the price for us of God's righteous judgment under the Old-covenant, one cannot bring back some of the Old-covenant without corrupting themselves and those they teach, why? Because there exist no sacrifice for their sins any longer under the Old-Covenant, God does not remove the righteous blood of Christ, for self-righteousness in trying to obey the commandments. We start with unrighteous, and die unrighteous without the righteousness of God, Christ Jesus, being imputed to us by faith in God's love.
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Matt.5:18 For most certainly, I tell you, until heaven and earth pass away, not even one smallest letter{literally, iota} or one tiny pen stroke{or, serif} shall in any way pass away from the law, until all things are accomplished.
Did Christ say the Law would not pass-away as legally mind attorney Christian's believe? Well, certainly the Pharisee's and the Scribes of the law didn't think the law could be fulfilled, this is why unwittingly, they spelt the blood of Christ Jesus undoing the very things they worshiped, the Law!
Without Christ righteous blood the Law could never be completed for the nation of Israel, that is, no human could pay the price of the Old-Covenant, but Christ Jesus, a sinless man before God's own judgment of him by His righteous laws. The power of the law was the heavens and earth for these Jew's and their world, it could not be removed in their self-righteousness, which created hate for any not obeying the law of Moses.
Not one rule, or serif was going to be removed by their self-goodness practiced by their religious faith, the law would not be completed by a sinner needing the blood of atonement. Nor has any legal minded attorney of the Christian's faith done any better since Christ Jesus. These Christian's attorney's like the Pharisee's have indeed recreated a prostituted mixture of Old-Covenant principles and New-Covenant wording fermenting the whole lump of Christian's teachings, corrupting the Kingdom of God into a mass of yeast dole calling evil, good, and good, evil.
Christ paid the price for us of God's righteous judgment under the Old-covenant, one cannot bring back some of the Old-covenant without corrupting themselves and those they teach, why? Because there exist no sacrifice for their sins any longer under the Old-Covenant, God does not remove the righteous blood of Christ, for self-righteousness in trying to obey the commandments. We start with unrighteous, and die unrighteous without the righteousness of God, Christ Jesus, being imputed to us by faith in God's love.
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