James1:18 Of his own will he brought us forth by the word of truth, that we should be a kind of first fruits of his creatures.
How many times have Christian's been confused over God's will in their life? As many as the stars of the heavens, but why? Because they get God's will confused with their own will of the flesh, what does this mean? We are all products of our environment, most Christian's are a product of some yeast religions teachings. They have had pounded into them what God's will is in their life, they are angry and confuses when God does not meet what they think is God's will in their life, and much more so when it totally fails them leaving them devastated.
Words spoken do not changes us into a good or righteous person, Christ Jesus blood does, atoning for our sins, words are like the wind always changing as a shadow under a tree, but the sinful flesh thinks there word never changes it is the bond - proudly boast in. but God says we are all liars, not one of us is righteous without His help in forgiving our sins, so who is right?
Well sadly, that is what each of us must humbly find out, but how? By experimentation! By trial, and error, by finding out the truth when we fail, not God. Yes, it is God's will that brought us forth, not our own will, or thinking, nor was it a religion will that brings us forth as God's children.
What is God's will; that we should know Him as love; that each of us should know the truth of that statement, but we are all convoluted in sin and judgment towards man and God. It is only by testing of our truth we come to know if what we believe is the truth. Nothing stands outside of Christ Jesus - God's truth for us. When we fight God, who is not evolved in this contest we have with our flesh, we will fill with hate and judgment, not the love of God. We can justify that hate and judgment or confess it as what its is, self-rightness, of our flesh that should be dead in Christ Jesus. When we release our judgments of hate in our own goodness of self-rightness we find the peace of God which gives us understanding of God's love.
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James1:18 Of his own will he brought us forth by the word of truth, that we should be a kind of first fruits of his creatures.
How many times have Christian's been confused over God's will in their life? As many as the stars of the heavens, but why? Because they get God's will confused with their own will of the flesh, what does this mean? We are all products of our environment, most Christian's are a product of some yeast religions teachings. They have had pounded into them what God's will is in their life, they are angry and confuses when God does not meet what they think is God's will in their life, and much more so when it totally fails them leaving them devastated.
Words spoken do not changes us into a good or righteous person, Christ Jesus blood does, atoning for our sins, words are like the wind always changing as a shadow under a tree, but the sinful flesh thinks there word never changes it is the bond - proudly boast in. but God says we are all liars, not one of us is righteous without His help in forgiving our sins, so who is right?
Well sadly, that is what each of us must humbly find out, but how? By experimentation! By trial, and error, by finding out the truth when we fail, not God. Yes, it is God's will that brought us forth, not our own will, or thinking, nor was it a religion will that brings us forth as God's children.
What is God's will; that we should know Him as love; that each of us should know the truth of that statement, but we are all convoluted in sin and judgment towards man and God. It is only by testing of our truth we come to know if what we believe is the truth. Nothing stands outside of Christ Jesus - God's truth for us. When we fight God, who is not evolved in this contest we have with our flesh, we will fill with hate and judgment, not the love of God. We can justify that hate and judgment or confess it as what its is, self-rightness, of our flesh that should be dead in Christ Jesus. When we release our judgments of hate in our own goodness of self-rightness we find the peace of God which gives us understanding of God's love.
See also: www.nu-truth.com