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Daily Bible Thought > James 1:22 - Deluding Your Own Selves?

James 1:22 But be doers of the word, and not only hearers, deluding your own selves.

There is only one way a Christian can delude themselves, and that is by self-goodness thinking they are righteous by some good thing they are practicing by rule of law. The flesh and its laws kills the Spirit of truth Christian's must hear by God teaching them by Holy Spirit. Fleshly laws kills the very thoughts of God, when one believes by obeying some law not in Christ Jesus they are proving themselves worthy of the unmerited kindness of God.

The whole summation of the apostles teachings is about humbling accepting the gift of God's love in Christ Jesus. It stands against the fleshly thinking of self-rightness by works of laws. These Christians' were not good, they were not righteous, they could not be without Christ Jesus righteousness blood being given them by God's love for them. One must become a hear of God's testimony through the Spirit pour out into their hearts of the truth, what truth? The truth they were made a part of the imperishable life of Christ Jesus as body members, stop deluding yourself with unrighteous false reasoning about person worthiness, it does not exist, and never will exist for any Christian's. What exist is Christ Jesus worthiness, his goodness, which become a gift too us by God, so we can be righteous by another ones righteousness.

Deluding the waters of truth coming through the righteous life of Christ for his body members, stop hearing the law by merit, the being better by commandments of fleshly minded weed-Christian's, stealing the glory of Christ Jesus, replacing it with self-glory of personal good works.

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