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Daily Bible Thought > Matt.5:25 - Agree With Your Adversary Quickly

Matt.5:25 Agree with your adversary quickly, while you are with him in the way; lest perhaps the prosecutor deliver you to the judge, and the judge deliver you to the officer, and you be cast into prison.

When we chose to fight legally, we are going to do a legal killing, the killing must occur though it be hid in righteous sounding law. Yes, we are set upon destroying our enemy by legal means, which is the educated way among those with fleshly minds, the wisdom of our world. Kill by a higher causes, the law, government, religion, business, destroy some ones life for profit, for law, for justice, but is this what Christ actually taught?

Well, no, but it is a fact among those perishing in their fleshly mind, but there will be consequence for if you shot the king be sure you kill him less you find your own-self in deeper trouble. If you judge by any law other than love, you lose something, not gain something, but the fleshly mind does not believe it. There is only one law that brings gain, that is, spiritual gain into ones life for good, and it is called the law of freedom, why? Because it gives us freedom from debt to others, when we release other debt we gain freedom in our own life by not holding revenge in our own hearts imprisoning us to the will of the person we hold the debt too.

But should we not forgive, we cannot release our own debt which keeps us in darkness from God's own forgiveness of us. We lose the greatest relationship we can have for pride of darkness. Once this process starts what you have is legal wrangling in your fleshly mind trying to justify by God's righteous laws how you can legally hate some one.

This noble reasoning is the think of convicts, those convicted of not freely forgiving what they themselves have been forgiven by God's own love in Christ Jesus. Yes, do not stand before the Great King arguing how you were right in hating your adversary by God's law, for Christ died for them as wells as you, and don't forget Christ last words upon earth. “Forgive them Father.”

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