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Daily Bible Thought > Matt.5:29 - Pluck Out Your Eye?

Matt.5:29 If your right eye causes you to stumble, pluck it out and throw it away from you. For it is more profitable for you that one of your members should perish, than for your whole body to be cast into Gehenna.{or, Hell}

Pluck out the eyes of a sinner and you still have a sinner! Plucking out your eye does not make you sinless now does it? No! You have a heart without physically seeing, but can still lust for the opposite sex! The real question how can you change as sinful heart from the sin of Adam; can you do that by plucking out your eye that lust for sex?

What foolish person would pluck out their eye, only a legally minded person trying to get into the kingdom of God by self-righteousness. Not one of the apostles of Christ Jesus nor those Christ spoke to plucked out their eye. Did they disobey Christ commandments? Why do Christian's pick and choose which commandments they want to obey of Christ Jesus, instead of this painful one? Because they are sinners and cannot not stop sinning, and if they say or teach otherwise they are liars. Point made! This is Christ Jesus point to stop the self-righteous. In other words, who of you are going to stop sinning by plucking out your eye, how deep do these teaching so the self-righteous go, into the heart or looking good?

Do they go so far as a blind man whom plucked out both eyes, one for lust, and the other for covetousness, is still be required to go to God's altar for remission of his sin through the blood God provided for him to remove his sins.

Where is the self-righteous if their mouth is not shut by not plucking out their eyes for secret sins against the very commandments of God? Let God be found true and every man be found a liar needing to face the truth of their fallen condition exposed as unrighteousness and not the righteousness of Christ Jesus given as a free gift of God's own love.

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