James 2:8 However, if you fulfill the royal law, according to the Scripture, "You shall love your neighbor as yourself,"{Leviticus 19:18} you do well.
Loving your neighbor as ourselves, we do will! But do you honestly do will in this commandment? Do you love your neighbor let alone your enemies, or do you sin in this manner? That is the question its not a legal question where we lie to others, and ourselves by occasionally doing some sort of good works towards our neighbor so we are not judged.
Can we not be judged? Yes, if we fulfill the royal law in not judging others by laws that are no longer in the laws of freedom, love. But what is the truth of our fallen condition don't we judge our neighbor by our religious laws of our faith. Don't we judge them more than letting them off through forgiveness?
Why are we partial when it comes to our judgments of our neighbor, why do we have two sets of scales one for us, and our family, and another for our neighbor? It is because we are sinners, and our judgments are unrighteous. This is James point, just as it was Christ Jesus point, we are sinner none of us can obey the commandments of God because we are sinners. Only a prefect sinless person can keep the commandments. So we are not even qualified to keep the commandments we break before trying to keep them.
So what should we do? We should be merciful knowing this truth of our condition. Should we not look to the law of freedom first instead of laws that condemn us and our neighbor? This is what wise person does in knowing they can't keep the rule of law, they don't become self-righteous demanding payment for payment they themselves cannot pay. Are these not Christians' truth seekers, they should not be men pleasers that just want to get by in their flesh, shouldn't each of us look for truth and seek it humbly?
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James 2:8 However, if you fulfill the royal law, according to the Scripture, "You shall love your neighbor as yourself,"{Leviticus 19:18} you do well.
Loving your neighbor as ourselves, we do will! But do you honestly do will in this commandment? Do you love your neighbor let alone your enemies, or do you sin in this manner? That is the question its not a legal question where we lie to others, and ourselves by occasionally doing some sort of good works towards our neighbor so we are not judged.
Can we not be judged? Yes, if we fulfill the royal law in not judging others by laws that are no longer in the laws of freedom, love. But what is the truth of our fallen condition don't we judge our neighbor by our religious laws of our faith. Don't we judge them more than letting them off through forgiveness?
Why are we partial when it comes to our judgments of our neighbor, why do we have two sets of scales one for us, and our family, and another for our neighbor? It is because we are sinners, and our judgments are unrighteous. This is James point, just as it was Christ Jesus point, we are sinner none of us can obey the commandments of God because we are sinners. Only a prefect sinless person can keep the commandments. So we are not even qualified to keep the commandments we break before trying to keep them.
So what should we do? We should be merciful knowing this truth of our condition. Should we not look to the law of freedom first instead of laws that condemn us and our neighbor? This is what wise person does in knowing they can't keep the rule of law, they don't become self-righteous demanding payment for payment they themselves cannot pay. Are these not Christians' truth seekers, they should not be men pleasers that just want to get by in their flesh, shouldn't each of us look for truth and seek it humbly?
See also: nu-truth.com