Matt.5:37 But let your 'Yes' be 'Yes' and your 'No' be 'No.' Whatever is more than these is of the evil one.
The evil one in found between yes and no, but why? Because he is the father of the lie, and what is between yes and no? A lie of not performing a vow, which is the world of attorney's and sales people, but not God's people speaking truth each one with his neighbor.
Evil does not perform or keep its word, it says to get, and than changes its word when it must deliver on the promise, this shockingly is the condition of the whole human race under sin. If one does not think so, just try for a week simply saying, yes, or no, and you will find the truth out about your fleshly mind under sin.
The flesh lies, it see the speck in its brother eye, and demands payment for it. Moreover, the flesh will kill our brother with laws of the land, religion, business, and government, cutting them off from us, for non-compliance. But all of us stand condemned by God's standard of yes, and no. Unfortunately, we justify our actions by something good we have done for the person in not keeping our word too them.
In other the words, the breaking of vows by the fleshly mind is done by a score card of the good things we have done for others which is always of course more than what they have done for us. Tick for tat, correct? But with God we have no tick for tat because our mouths our shut being we cannot pay back or give God anything but love, which does not keep account of injury or what a person owes us in debt. God is love, and because he is love, we cannot have a middle ground of lying to God by saying, sasaying: “look at all I have done for you, here is what you owe me.”
We can only do as all unrighteous fallen flesh does to justify our broken promises and than legally hating some one else for breaking their word too us. We are doing no more than wiping our own mouth clean with a dirty hand!
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Matt.5:37 But let your 'Yes' be 'Yes' and your 'No' be 'No.' Whatever is more than these is of the evil one.
The evil one in found between yes and no, but why? Because he is the father of the lie, and what is between yes and no? A lie of not performing a vow, which is the world of attorney's and sales people, but not God's people speaking truth each one with his neighbor.
Evil does not perform or keep its word, it says to get, and than changes its word when it must deliver on the promise, this shockingly is the condition of the whole human race under sin. If one does not think so, just try for a week simply saying, yes, or no, and you will find the truth out about your fleshly mind under sin.
The flesh lies, it see the speck in its brother eye, and demands payment for it. Moreover, the flesh will kill our brother with laws of the land, religion, business, and government, cutting them off from us, for non-compliance. But all of us stand condemned by God's standard of yes, and no. Unfortunately, we justify our actions by something good we have done for the person in not keeping our word too them.
In other the words, the breaking of vows by the fleshly mind is done by a score card of the good things we have done for others which is always of course more than what they have done for us. Tick for tat, correct? But with God we have no tick for tat because our mouths our shut being we cannot pay back or give God anything but love, which does not keep account of injury or what a person owes us in debt. God is love, and because he is love, we cannot have a middle ground of lying to God by saying, sasaying: “look at all I have done for you, here is what you owe me.”
We can only do as all unrighteous fallen flesh does to justify our broken promises and than legally hating some one else for breaking their word too us. We are doing no more than wiping our own mouth clean with a dirty hand!
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