James 2:9 But if you show partiality, you commit sin, being convicted by the law as transgressors.
Is not partiality a sin against God? Yes, it is not only a sin it is unrighteous hypocrisy that we must avoid. The very hypocrisy that was used in murdering Christ Jesus by self-righteous religion leaders of the Jewish faith. None could keep the law, and the witnesses against their unrighteousness was the blood upon the altar of God in innocent animal blood shed for their sins against not keeping the commandments of God.
Why would Christian's whom was freed in the Royal law of Christ Jesus the King, by love, than judge others with a law that are no longer over them? Is this no blatant religious hypocrisy at it worst? Yes, it is, turning to the God of love through the new covenant in having are deserved sin removed, and than going out and chocking our brothers and sisters for sins we judge by laws abolished in Christ Jesus. Isn't the very thought of two standards denial of the Christ?
How could a person know God is love and than hold two sets of judgments? Well, this is James point they cannot and should be ashamed of their power grab through holding debt by unrighteous means of laws abolished in Christ Jesus. Yes, a power grab to enslave the body of Christ for position of men wanting control.
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James 2:9 But if you show partiality, you commit sin, being convicted by the law as transgressors.
Is not partiality a sin against God? Yes, it is not only a sin it is unrighteous hypocrisy that we must avoid. The very hypocrisy that was used in murdering Christ Jesus by self-righteous religion leaders of the Jewish faith. None could keep the law, and the witnesses against their unrighteousness was the blood upon the altar of God in innocent animal blood shed for their sins against not keeping the commandments of God.
Why would Christian's whom was freed in the Royal law of Christ Jesus the King, by love, than judge others with a law that are no longer over them? Is this no blatant religious hypocrisy at it worst? Yes, it is, turning to the God of love through the new covenant in having are deserved sin removed, and than going out and chocking our brothers and sisters for sins we judge by laws abolished in Christ Jesus. Isn't the very thought of two standards denial of the Christ?
How could a person know God is love and than hold two sets of judgments? Well, this is James point they cannot and should be ashamed of their power grab through holding debt by unrighteous means of laws abolished in Christ Jesus. Yes, a power grab to enslave the body of Christ for position of men wanting control.
See also: nu-truth.com