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Daily Bible Thought > Matt.5:40 - If Sued?

Matt.5:40 If anyone sues you to take away your coat, let him have your cloak also.

The law of the land is use to maintain justice and order among humans where civilized people can get redress for wrongs. But Christ Jesus takes his followers beyond mans courts and puts them into the law of freedom, love. He shows them a better way of life a higher justice that gives and does not take.

How important is material things and our pride is the real question, do we have the legal right to sue someone? Yes, we do, do we have the right to pay back injury for injury, yes, we do. But Christ says we should not, is this a new law that should be instituted by Christian religion making it a punishable offense if we don't let people sue them without lifting a hand?

Well, this is the point of Christ Jesus words here, stop judging in legal terms, what does that mean? It means the fleshly mind is a legal mind of right and wrong, where as the spiritual mind of Christ is not about our asserting rights, but giving up rights for life. In other words, there is not gain for the spirit person by fight in their flesh fire with fire, it does gain for the flesh in this life, but loses in the spirit word in the next life. If one would let creation itself teach them a person would quickly see God makes it rain upon the wicked and the righteous.

What he does not do is set in heaven in resentment that the wicked are taking advantage of His goodness. God loses nothing for letting people live with free will, what He gains is everlasting friendship and respect for those that come to love Him for his greatness. On the hand, the flesh gains all things in this life by taking, punishing and standing up for its right, which is the mind of the flesh, to take and never be wronged because it is of no value at all for the flesh to do so.

But a Christian's must remember, Christ did not take the law of freedom, love, and define it is legal terms, because it would no longer be love; for love comes from joy, and it is given freely without hypocrisy, no matter if other men of flesh approve or disapprove - that is God's love.

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