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Daily Bible Thought > James 2:11,12 - Speak as Men Judged By Law of Freedom

James 2:11 For he who said, "Do not commit adultery,"{Exodus 20:14; Deuteronomy 5:18} also said, "Do not commit murder."{Exodus 10:13; Deuteronomy 5:17} Now if you do not commit adultery, but murder, you have become a transgressor of the law.
2:12 So speak, and so do, as men who are to be judged by a law of freedom.

Why would a reasonable person condemn themselves? Why would a person judge others by commandments that do nothing more than condemn themselves just as much a sinner? Simply put, lack of understanding based upon religion training, and/or self-righteousness found in the legal fleshly mind.

The answer to that question is complex, but it does not change the rule of law, it does not change God into two God's having one law for sinners, and one for his children, no God is not partial, he is not a man that should judge unrighteously, favoring some, while hating others

If your are a sinner you cannot keep God's commandments the very reason God sent us his Son Christ Jesus, the very reason God provided under the law blood of innocent victim – animals. It is because no human being kept God commandments without breaking them because they were born into sin. It required as special life without sin to keep God's commandment's, or even to qualify in keeping God's commandments, hence, Christ Jesus.

So why would a person condemned themselves and others by judging by such commandments? It is because they think in their own self-judgment, and not God proven judgment of mankind, in sending His Son Christ Jesus; that they can keep the commandments, which is a lie!

The blood and their own death proves they cannot keep the commandment's. The reward of keeping the commandments is life, not death. Why would a person not judge themselves, and others by the law of Christ our King; the Royal Law of freedom into life? In other words, the law of love that has freed us from our deserved judgment? It is because of hate, in hating someone we don't like; holding their sins as debt that they can never pay off, which debt requires the same blood that freed us from breaking the commandments of God - Christ Jesus.

Yes, debt is powerful to its holder of them, we then set ourselves up as not a sinner by the commandments God, which is a lie; holding debts of others for payment. Subsequently, giving us power, and control over their lives like a god with two standards of justice, making them earn forgiveness by good works done towards us.

We make ourselves into Christ Jesus, seating ourselves into the very temple of God. We become an unrighteous judge, a lawless person, lawless? Yes, without law of Christ Jesus, the Royal law of freedom love. We uses laws abolished by Christ Jesus precious blood, thus, doling out forgiveness as a demigod, by laws that God no longer uses against us.

July 9, 2012 | Registered CommenterJWsStraightTalk