James 2:14 What good is it, my brothers, if a man says he has faith, but has no works? Can faith save him?
If a man walks up to a fruit tree and it has a sign that says: “I am a good fruit tree!” What proof does the man have of it? None unless he eats the fruit of the tree, taste and see the Lord is good. But are the branches on the tree the good tree? Are they producing fruit from their own good works, or are they producing fruits of the tree and its life supplied to the branches?
How man legal minded fleshly Christian's boast in their good works they do from their own will as Christ Jesus good works spoken here by James the half brother of Christ? Way too many, yes, many will say to me in that day Lord! Lord! Look at my good works in your name, and Christ Jesus will say get away from me you workers of lawlessness.
You, see, it is never our good works on the holy tree of Christ, yes, he is the tree of everlasting life, it is his fruits, fruits produced by the Holy Spirit that Christ Jesus has been entrusted with by YHWH. Those are the fruits, not how many people we preach too by our own self-will, how nice we are, how good we feel about ourselves today because we did something for our neighbor, no! We are dead works without the life of Christ Jesus working through us, we may obey a rule of law by our religion, but that has nothing to do with being “in Christ Jesus” as a member of his body, where the head directs the work to the body members and the Christ Jesus gets the glory, not the branch.
Such thinking is fleshly self-righteous judgment of fleshly minded by legal Christian's whom themselves are weed. This weed thinking is to believe it is their good works James spoke to here, no! God has only one source of life for mankind, Christ Jesus, it is his works God calls works of eternal life, and none other. God has not, and will not place his glory in mankind and their religion, because that choice was made long ago when God put all His own glory in the resurrected Jesus Christ. The fruits of mankind outside of Christ Jesus is dead works of Adam's sin, they are of no value at all in the sight of God that is why we must have faith, in whom?
In other words, can a bad tree produce good fruit, and can a good tree produce bad fruit? You must judge between what is righteous and what is unrighteous by its fruit. If it is a good tree, Christ Jesus and you are a part of him than the life of the tree produce good fruit it cannot do otherwise, it is not a mystery, it is a mystery to those lost to the confusion of the fleshly mind.
And that my friend is what James was dealing with, it was a simply as looking at tree with good fruit, or a sweet water with out pollution, instead of the sign saying it is good. Which is nothing more than the laws of the fleshly mind in putting up signs to make as statement about its self-goodness hiding the truth of its own unrighteousness. A good tree does not have to say a word, or make a show, now does it?
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James 2:14 What good is it, my brothers, if a man says he has faith, but has no works? Can faith save him?
If a man walks up to a fruit tree and it has a sign that says: “I am a good fruit tree!” What proof does the man have of it? None unless he eats the fruit of the tree, taste and see the Lord is good. But are the branches on the tree the good tree? Are they producing fruit from their own good works, or are they producing fruits of the tree and its life supplied to the branches?
How man legal minded fleshly Christian's boast in their good works they do from their own will as Christ Jesus good works spoken here by James the half brother of Christ? Way too many, yes, many will say to me in that day Lord! Lord! Look at my good works in your name, and Christ Jesus will say get away from me you workers of lawlessness.
You, see, it is never our good works on the holy tree of Christ, yes, he is the tree of everlasting life, it is his fruits, fruits produced by the Holy Spirit that Christ Jesus has been entrusted with by YHWH. Those are the fruits, not how many people we preach too by our own self-will, how nice we are, how good we feel about ourselves today because we did something for our neighbor, no! We are dead works without the life of Christ Jesus working through us, we may obey a rule of law by our religion, but that has nothing to do with being “in Christ Jesus” as a member of his body, where the head directs the work to the body members and the Christ Jesus gets the glory, not the branch.
Such thinking is fleshly self-righteous judgment of fleshly minded by legal Christian's whom themselves are weed. This weed thinking is to believe it is their good works James spoke to here, no! God has only one source of life for mankind, Christ Jesus, it is his works God calls works of eternal life, and none other. God has not, and will not place his glory in mankind and their religion, because that choice was made long ago when God put all His own glory in the resurrected Jesus Christ. The fruits of mankind outside of Christ Jesus is dead works of Adam's sin, they are of no value at all in the sight of God that is why we must have faith, in whom?
In other words, can a bad tree produce good fruit, and can a good tree produce bad fruit? You must judge between what is righteous and what is unrighteous by its fruit. If it is a good tree, Christ Jesus and you are a part of him than the life of the tree produce good fruit it cannot do otherwise, it is not a mystery, it is a mystery to those lost to the confusion of the fleshly mind.
And that my friend is what James was dealing with, it was a simply as looking at tree with good fruit, or a sweet water with out pollution, instead of the sign saying it is good. Which is nothing more than the laws of the fleshly mind in putting up signs to make as statement about its self-goodness hiding the truth of its own unrighteousness. A good tree does not have to say a word, or make a show, now does it?
See Also; nu-truth.com