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Daily Bible Thought > James 2:17 - Faith Works?

James 2:17 Even so faith, if it has no works, is dead in itself.

The fleshly mind thinks it knows what works are here? Is it the works of obeying the law of love, the works of obeying the rules of their group, or is it the works of obeying the commandments, but are these the works of faith James speaks too here? No! They are not, but why?

Simply put, faith is a gift of Holy Spirit for each member of the body of Christ Jesus, what does faith produce in a body member, the fruit of God's Holy Spirit, this fruits are not the works of us, they do not come from us, they are gifts given, why? Because Christ Jesus died faithfully paying of the commandments, and redeemed us from dead works of our flesh.

What works is Jame speaking too? The works of the fruit of God's Holy Spirit, which proves we are a live, not dead in our fleshly minds thinking. Subsequently, it is as pointless as having to teach God's children love, when it is God that writes His love into their hearts at birth wherein no one should have to teach them love, it is all together a defeat in having to do so! Much more so it is all together a defeat for a good tree to have too be made to produce good fruit. In other words, religious words are meaningless, unless you are a bad tree, and you want to fool yourselves into believing you are a good tree that has to be made to produce good fruit by such words and works of law

There is no lie in the truth; a good tree cannot produce bad fruit, nor can a bad tree produce good fruit. Christ Jesus is the good tree, and if we are a part of him, than nature of tree life flows through us teaching so we produce good fruit of his life, but those fruit are not our fruit, they are the tree's fruit that we have become a part of.

So what is the point Jame speak to here? Words! And more words, of the fleshly lying mouth, which justifies its reasons by the legal mind arguments for not producing what naturally comes from a good tree. What he not saying, is the fleshly mind can produce good for God by words of religion, what he is saying is these brothers and sister are deceived, because they want to be forced rule of law into telling them what faith is? And what is faith? It is a gift of the fruit of the good tree they have been made a part of Christ Jesus, by being been grafted onto the imperishable life of Christ Jesus. Which gives them a gift of faith that has too produce what? Works of love, yes, love for one another, and even the enemies of God.

This love proves they are a live in Christ Jesus that they are not dead in a body of law that legislates love by commandment's

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