Matt. 5:47 If you only greet your friends, what more do you do than others? Don't even the tax collectors do the same? 5:48 Therefore you shall be perfect, just as your Father in heaven is perfect.
What is a hypocrite? Well, we may not be able to put it into specific words, but we certainly know one when we are around one! Ultimately, it is a person that has made themselves into a god, taking on a superior air of righteousness.
Love is not an act, it is a truth that is the life of the person, it is not a scriptures we try to act like in front of other people, instead it is the person very personality, part of them, as a way of life. God is love, we as human are not love, we can act like love to make us and others feel better about themselves, or we can show love, there is a vast difference. Moreover, love cannot be legislated into a religion, or by acting in a humble way, in wearing certain religious garb, or repeating religious words of our faith.
Love is not given to be popular or to look religious in front of people that look up to us in our religion. Love is shown when we sweat blood in trying to do the right thing by faith in our closet. Love is not a show it is given to all impartially rather a person is of our faith or not.
Now if you think you can do that than you have made yourselves into a god, not a servant of Lord Jesus Christ. You have made yourself into a self-righteous hypocrite not needing the blessed love of our Father YHWH. What we have is the desire to be like our Father in showing the same love, this desire and the blood of Christ Jesus life perfects our faith in what? That we can show the love of God impartially, no?
That God is good and He will teaches us His ways, He will finish the good work started in us by the life of Christ Jesus, and it is the blood of Christ that saves us from a lack of love towards are fellow humans.
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Matt. 5:47 If you only greet your friends, what more do you do than others? Don't even the tax collectors do the same?
5:48 Therefore you shall be perfect, just as your Father in heaven is perfect.
What is a hypocrite? Well, we may not be able to put it into specific words, but we certainly know one when we are around one! Ultimately, it is a person that has made themselves into a god, taking on a superior air of righteousness.
Love is not an act, it is a truth that is the life of the person, it is not a scriptures we try to act like in front of other people, instead it is the person very personality, part of them, as a way of life. God is love, we as human are not love, we can act like love to make us and others feel better about themselves, or we can show love, there is a vast difference. Moreover, love cannot be legislated into a religion, or by acting in a humble way, in wearing certain religious garb, or repeating religious words of our faith.
Love is not given to be popular or to look religious in front of people that look up to us in our religion. Love is shown when we sweat blood in trying to do the right thing by faith in our closet. Love is not a show it is given to all impartially rather a person is of our faith or not.
Now if you think you can do that than you have made yourselves into a god, not a servant of Lord Jesus Christ. You have made yourself into a self-righteous hypocrite not needing the blessed love of our Father YHWH. What we have is the desire to be like our Father in showing the same love, this desire and the blood of Christ Jesus life perfects our faith in what? That we can show the love of God impartially, no?
That God is good and He will teaches us His ways, He will finish the good work started in us by the life of Christ Jesus, and it is the blood of Christ that saves us from a lack of love towards are fellow humans.
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