James 2:19 You believe that God is one. You do well. The demons also believe, and shudder.
Believing the rule of law found in the commandments is not enough and that is James point here, it is not as the fleshly mind teaches in false religion obeying the rule of law proving you have faith? The Law is dead works written upon stone tablets not hearts of love for God which make us alive in Christ Jesus.
What makes us alive in Christ Jesus? Not obeying our religion rules of law, it is faith, faith in what, that God removed our judgment because we could not please him by obeying commandments as sinner, we can by faith which does please YHWH. Faith in His love, in giving us His Son to remove our judgment. So if you have faith in commandments you have faith in yourself, and your own self-righteous that you can please God without faith by your own good efforts in obeying the commandments. But if you have the faith given as a gift of the Holy Spirit, and not some religious institution than you know God undeserved kindness towards you as a sinner needing His help.
Acknowledging right from wrong by God's commandments is no more than what the demons believe, but they don't love God, because of those commandments. They shutter knowing they will be punished by those commandments for their own wicked reasoning as they punish others with same laws of our flesh made for the wicked. But those pleasing God by faith believes that He is love, and they know it is by their faith which is a gift of Holy Spirit in God own love, making them son's of God under the Royal Law of freedom, love.
What legal minded faith produce is judgment, just as the demon believe, waiting judgment, hence, such is the legal mind Christian's live in fear of judgment, not God's love in Christ Jesus. Instead they constantly wrangle over laws to justify themselves by self-righteousness by works of laws, which is proof they are under the judgment of their own legal mind outside of the mind, and the love of Christ Jesus.
These legal minded Christian's are dead to the love of Christ Jesus, whom removed their judgment by his righteous life which faithfully obeyed God's law for his own body members. Thus, Christ gives each one his faith, as he does the life of his body. Freeing them to peace removing God's wrath, abolished by the law of freedom.
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James 2:19 You believe that God is one. You do well. The demons also believe, and shudder.
Believing the rule of law found in the commandments is not enough and that is James point here, it is not as the fleshly mind teaches in false religion obeying the rule of law proving you have faith? The Law is dead works written upon stone tablets not hearts of love for God which make us alive in Christ Jesus.
What makes us alive in Christ Jesus? Not obeying our religion rules of law, it is faith, faith in what, that God removed our judgment because we could not please him by obeying commandments as sinner, we can by faith which does please YHWH. Faith in His love, in giving us His Son to remove our judgment. So if you have faith in commandments you have faith in yourself, and your own self-righteous that you can please God without faith by your own good efforts in obeying the commandments. But if you have the faith given as a gift of the Holy Spirit, and not some religious institution than you know God undeserved kindness towards you as a sinner needing His help.
Acknowledging right from wrong by God's commandments is no more than what the demons believe, but they don't love God, because of those commandments. They shutter knowing they will be punished by those commandments for their own wicked reasoning as they punish others with same laws of our flesh made for the wicked. But those pleasing God by faith believes that He is love, and they know it is by their faith which is a gift of Holy Spirit in God own love, making them son's of God under the Royal Law of freedom, love.
What legal minded faith produce is judgment, just as the demon believe, waiting judgment, hence, such is the legal mind Christian's live in fear of judgment, not God's love in Christ Jesus. Instead they constantly wrangle over laws to justify themselves by self-righteousness by works of laws, which is proof they are under the judgment of their own legal mind outside of the mind, and the love of Christ Jesus.
These legal minded Christian's are dead to the love of Christ Jesus, whom removed their judgment by his righteous life which faithfully obeyed God's law for his own body members. Thus, Christ gives each one his faith, as he does the life of his body. Freeing them to peace removing God's wrath, abolished by the law of freedom.
See Also: nu-truth.com