Matt.6:7 In praying, don't use vain repetitions, as the Gentiles do; for they think that they will be heard for their much speaking.
Have you every noted how a fleshly minded person has too thank every one that has helped them so they don't forget, and hurts someone feelings? Have you every noted how people praying publicly teach with their prayers at God, as though driving home the point they think you have missed by teaching God?
Have your ever noted how attorney's of faith put such emphasis on words, like in a contract that has to be said before the contract is valid? Can you honestly imagine having your child talk to like that? What would you think that your child see you as an enemy waiting for you to pounce on them if he/she does not say every word perfectly?
Why has prayer become a legal document? Well, it is because those taught prayer have been taught by a legal religious institution, and not the law of love written into a Christian's heart by the God of love. They cannot see God by faith, they see him by sight of the legal definition their religion has placed upon them. This is why Christ Jesus was hated; how could a person be so bold to approach God in love, entrusting him with the truth of their hearts? Does God not knowing the truth of our hearts before we speck, so that we must play games with words like we do a man we are trying to impress proving we like them?
You see, once a person understand that our flesh is an act, and a lie, and it deceives us so we can live in a world of unrighteousness one can approach God in truth, from the heart. This truth is our real condition before God, and yet He still loves us enough to forgive our sins, and send us a gift to justify our sin, in Christ Jesus
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Matt.6:7 In praying, don't use vain repetitions, as the Gentiles do; for they think that they will be heard for their much speaking.
Have you every noted how a fleshly minded person has too thank every one that has helped them so they don't forget, and hurts someone feelings? Have you every noted how people praying publicly teach with their prayers at God, as though driving home the point they think you have missed by teaching God?
Have your ever noted how attorney's of faith put such emphasis on words, like in a contract that has to be said before the contract is valid? Can you honestly imagine having your child talk to like that? What would you think that your child see you as an enemy waiting for you to pounce on them if he/she does not say every word perfectly?
Why has prayer become a legal document? Well, it is because those taught prayer have been taught by a legal religious institution, and not the law of love written into a Christian's heart by the God of love. They cannot see God by faith, they see him by sight of the legal definition their religion has placed upon them. This is why Christ Jesus was hated; how could a person be so bold to approach God in love, entrusting him with the truth of their hearts? Does God not knowing the truth of our hearts before we speck, so that we must play games with words like we do a man we are trying to impress proving we like them?
You see, once a person understand that our flesh is an act, and a lie, and it deceives us so we can live in a world of unrighteousness one can approach God in truth, from the heart. This truth is our real condition before God, and yet He still loves us enough to forgive our sins, and send us a gift to justify our sin, in Christ Jesus
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