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Daily Bible Thought > James 2:26- Body No Spirit Dead?

James 2:26 For as the body apart from the spirit is dead, even so faith apart from works is dead.

A simple profound statement by James but one that is taken out of context by those of the fleshly mind set upon self-righteousness through works of law, what is a work of law? A work of law can be a work of a commandment, or a work of obeying an order from a superior, it can be anything a Christian's does in saying: “by my obedience to this commandment I am or will be righteous before God”! Which of course is a lie!

A part from the spiritual body of Christ Jesus having the Spirit of God in it as the temple of God there are no works from human righteousness that are accept by YHWH, why? Because Christ Jesus faithfully paid the price in fulfilling the Law for God by his own righteousness in not breaking a commandment or any commandment. No human being on earth was found to be righteousness to give their blood to redeem mankind from the curse of the law.

What mankind found themselves as was a practitioner of sin, which made them lawless to God, for all sin is lawlessness. When Christ fulfilled the law with his righteous life he removed our deserved judgment of the law. Now in context James is teaching a part from Christ Jesus spirit life in a Christian's they are dead; like a dead man having no good works for God. What he is not saying is if you go out and obey the commandments or your religions rules, you will be a live in Christ Jesus.
One cannot be a live in Christ Jesus by works of their flesh, which flesh is dead in Christ Jesus, they can be a live in Christ Jesus by faith in what he did for us by his good, and righteous life given too us as a free gift of God's love. Now if you are a part of Christ Jesus life, you have God's Spirit and you are not dead, but a live free from the teachings of the fleshly mind in self-righteous works through laws of dead, works, and instead a live in the imperishable righteous life of Christ Jesus the true vine producing fruit for God's glory.

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