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Daily Bible Thought > James 3:1 - Not Many Should be Teachers?

James 3:1 Let not many of you be teachers, my brothers, knowing that we will receive heavier judgment.

Teaching is a gift, but there is a vast difference in how the Spirit teaches compared to the flesh, what are we talking about? The fleshly person is in a constant state of preaching and teaching the things of the flesh, it is almost as if the fleshly mind person cannot stop teachings, but here James warns against such teachings of the flesh.

James says not many should be teachers, why? Simply because teachings from the fleshly mind is alienated from the spiritual mind of Christ that instructed in fruit of the Holy Spirit. The Spirit is opposed the teachings of the flesh which is set upon laws of the flesh judging right and wrong of the flesh, what does this mean? It means the fleshly mind cannot know God or receive anything of the mind of Christ Jesus that actually instruction those teaching by God's Holy Spirit.

Do you honestly know there is a vast difference? not many should teach if they do not know the difference between the law of the Spirit, love, or the Royal law of God. The flesh minded teaching is about laws and rules that are abolished in Christ Jesus by giving us his precious life, which completed, and/or set aside those laws. When a teacher goes about teachings others that they can be made perfect by obeying rules that are for the wicked, which Christ freed us from by his own faithfulness; what they are instead doing is building up the flesh not the Spirit of God that teaches God's children.

How can this be said it is because the flesh is dead in Christ, it is not being built up by laws that strengthen the fleshly will into obeying commandments that are pointless in Christ Jesus, why pointless? They are pointless because we cannot put away the filth of our flesh by obeying rules, laws, or commandments. What we can do is put faith in Christ Jesus life that he completed the fleshly laws for the wicked and produce fruit of the Holy Spirit through the living life of Christ Jesus as the true vine working through us. Not many are teachers by Holy Spirit among Christian's. However, there many weed Christian's teaching the elementary things of the Christ, which is repentance from dead works.

Why will these receive a heavier judgment, it is because when we judge by the flesh and its laws we receive the same measure of judgment back we judge. On the other hand, those judging by the law of freedom, they have no judgment of the fleshly laws, they give free, received freely, owing no one a thing but love. It is the laws of the flesh that hold debt for our sins, not the the law of love that owes nothing to others.

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