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Daily Bible Thought > Matt.6:12 - Forgive Our Debts

Matt.6:12 Forgive us our debts, as we also forgive our debtors.

Can we forgive others their debts? Do you find this impossible? Hopefully, you do, and you become a beggar for Holy Spirit, because Christ once again speaks in a manner to separate the weeds from the wheat, do you understand how he did this?

Matt. 5:3 "Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the Kingdom of Heaven.{Isaiah 57:15; 66:2} 5:4 Blessed are those who mourn, for they shall be comforted.{Isaiah 61:2; 66:10,13}

Christ speak often in his sermon on the mount impossible things for any sinful human to actually do? The legal mind Christian's quickly says: “that is not true, if Christ Jesus said it than it can be done!” So the legal weed-fleshly minded Christian's jump onto the the road leading into destruction, how? In saving themselves by obeying commandments that only Christ Jesus could keep and than preach and teach others the same milestone of guilt through sin.

Christ said it is adultery to look at the opposite sex with lust. He did not say that a sinful human would never sin in this way. He was stating a truth that all human sin in this way. Subsequently, they are found in an impossible situation of being a sinners, and the proof is in the pudding when they lust at the opposite sex in their hearts. The legal mind Christian's thinks if they can stop this action most of the time they are improving and doing better than others. But God is not looking for self-righteousness he is looking for truth seekers that accept their condition and His undeserved kindness in the merit of Christ Jesus blood.

Those seeking the truth understand quickly their true condition as a sinner that cannot change without God help. They acknowledge they could exist a thousand's years upon earth and not perfect themselves through any rule of mankind, religious, business or government, instead they must humbly accept God's gift of Christ Jesus life, which earned them forgiveness by his merit.

Now taking Christ Jesus words in context, of forgiving those as God has forgiven us. A legal minded Christian's can make themselves into a god, or they can state the truth, I can't do that like God so I am not a god, or they can continue in the lie of false religion by teaching others they are good at forgiving others imagining that a little less sin puts them into a better position with God.

1 Corinthians 5:6 Your boasting is not good. Don't you know that a little yeast leavens the whole lump?

Now this is Christ Jesus point so often spoken to separate the weed from the wheat, that is, stop lying about your condition too others, stop speak untruths about self-righteousness, and speak the truth each one with his neighbor, confess your sins, put faith in the righteous life of Christ Jesus and believe in faith that God will completely redeem you by His good efforts and not your own, be thankful for such a great and wondrous God whom calls Himself, love!

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