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Daily Bible Thought > Matt.6:17- Fasting?

Matt.6:17 But you, when you fast, anoint your head, and wash your face; 6:18 so that you are not seen by men to be fasting, but by your Father who is in secret, and your Father, who sees in secret, will reward you.

Once again let us be reminded of the truth, which Christ Jesus is the truth so he speak truth about mankind's fallen position so they can see the truth of God. When a Christian's start trying to find out the motive of why they fast, or don't fast, do you know what they will come up with? The truth about their fallen flesh, how it is a liar, and twist and turn like a serpent in justifying its own good motives to other about fasting, or not fasting.

Than the fleshly mind will find a rule it can impute upon itself and most often others of why to fast or not fast. Subsequently, going against the truth Jesus spoke here in fasting secretly. But here is the cross road for truth seekers, which road will they land upon, the road of the weeds, or the road of the wheat? If they chose the road of weeds, which is self-rightness in making their flesh do something like fast, they will have missed suffering in Christ Jesus. On the other hand, those of the wheat will be confronted with the truth; the flesh has no good motive, it is Christ Jesus that was found good by his Father, in which God has so graciously given us Merit of Christ, undeservedly.

The wheat will find it does not have a good motive in fasting that it wants attention or does not have enough faith in God's promises too us in Christ Jesus. What it learns is the power of false reasoning by the fleshly mind, which teaches us too judge ourselves properly in Christ Jesus life that is actually worthy. This than perfects our faith in God as good, and not ourselves. We learn obedience to truth, and not to the lie of false good motives that we may hold; getting us attention from another person of our faith. What if you could not talk about yourselves for a whole day? What if you could only talk about yourself as a member of a body of Christ, without a mouth, like a hand on the body, and not the head of the body, would you really want to be a Christian or fast?

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