Matt.6:21 for where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.
Out of our mouth the abundance of our hearts speaks this is the truth, and it is where our treasure are found. It was the heart of Adam and Eve that caused sin to enter into the world, and spread death, disease, and sickness, death spiritually, morally, and physically to the human race; despite what their mouths said, the truth was found in actions/fruits from their hearts.
What treasure do we have in our heart the secret place all Christians stand before God in? Well, James the half-brother of Christ Jesus presented a truth to those with fleshly minds that has proven true for as long a mankind has been upon this earth, do you know what that truth is?
Our own mouths deceives our hearts! Religion is about preaching, the more one preaches something the more the hearts accept it as truth, even if it is the exact opposite of the truth, the person will believe the lie! A religion can preach love, but to everyone that hears it and sees it fruit objectively the message is one of hate. But the true fruit of the heart cannot deceive us, because it is the truth the fruit of our real heart condition, and not the mouth, which is the fruit Christ told us to judge by.
Do we see only good fruit, or some good fruit and some bad fruit on the same tree? If we see both good and evil on the same tree it is not of Christ Jesus, it is that simply. Those fruits are not the treasure in heaven, it is only good fruit that prove to be the real treasure in heaven
Matt. 7:17 Even so, every good tree produces good fruit; but the corrupt tree produces evil fruit. 7:18 A good tree can't produce evil fruit, neither can a corrupt tree produce good fruit.
Now we have found the truth, what is the truth, it is Christ Jesus, God's truth too us. The truth of Christ Jesus is not a word of a person mouth saying “Jesus” it is a living truth, it is rather the personality of Christ Jesus as the truth, his heart, and mouth, which is the truth, unlike all humans that have both good and evil in them pasted on too them by Adam sin.
Romans 11:18 don't boast over the branches. But if you boast, it is not you who support the root, but the root supports you.
So for us to have treasures in heaven it cannot come from our tree of works having both good and bad fruit upon it, nor the works of a composite man, that is, an organized religion it must come from Christ Jesus working through us as the living word of God. This was Christ Jesus message here, some of those listening to his sermon would be grafted into the one living tree of life, Christ Jesus for mankind, and he would produce works of everlasting life on these branches which were his works produced from his life, the life of the tree. For we are dead in Christ Jesus, that is, to the old tree, and its fruit of good and evil, and live in Christ Jesus as our treasures in heaven.
John15:5 I am the vine. You are the branches. He who remains in me, and I in him, the same bears much fruit, for apart from me you can do nothing.
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Matt.6:21 for where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.
Out of our mouth the abundance of our hearts speaks this is the truth, and it is where our treasure are found. It was the heart of Adam and Eve that caused sin to enter into the world, and spread death, disease, and sickness, death spiritually, morally, and physically to the human race; despite what their mouths said, the truth was found in actions/fruits from their hearts.
What treasure do we have in our heart the secret place all Christians stand before God in? Well, James the half-brother of Christ Jesus presented a truth to those with fleshly minds that has proven true for as long a mankind has been upon this earth, do you know what that truth is?
Our own mouths deceives our hearts! Religion is about preaching, the more one preaches something the more the hearts accept it as truth, even if it is the exact opposite of the truth, the person will believe the lie! A religion can preach love, but to everyone that hears it and sees it fruit objectively the message is one of hate. But the true fruit of the heart cannot deceive us, because it is the truth the fruit of our real heart condition, and not the mouth, which is the fruit Christ told us to judge by.
Do we see only good fruit, or some good fruit and some bad fruit on the same tree? If we see both good and evil on the same tree it is not of Christ Jesus, it is that simply. Those fruits are not the treasure in heaven, it is only good fruit that prove to be the real treasure in heaven
Matt. 7:17 Even so, every good tree produces good fruit; but the corrupt tree produces evil fruit. 7:18 A good tree can't produce evil fruit, neither can a corrupt tree produce good fruit.
Now we have found the truth, what is the truth, it is Christ Jesus, God's truth too us. The truth of Christ Jesus is not a word of a person mouth saying “Jesus” it is a living truth, it is rather the personality of Christ Jesus as the truth, his heart, and mouth, which is the truth, unlike all humans that have both good and evil in them pasted on too them by Adam sin.
Romans 11:18 don't boast over the branches. But if you boast, it is not you who support the root, but the root supports you.
So for us to have treasures in heaven it cannot come from our tree of works having both good and bad fruit upon it, nor the works of a composite man, that is, an organized religion it must come from Christ Jesus working through us as the living word of God. This was Christ Jesus message here, some of those listening to his sermon would be grafted into the one living tree of life, Christ Jesus for mankind, and he would produce works of everlasting life on these branches which were his works produced from his life, the life of the tree. For we are dead in Christ Jesus, that is, to the old tree, and its fruit of good and evil, and live in Christ Jesus as our treasures in heaven.
John15:5 I am the vine. You are the branches. He who remains in me, and I in him, the same bears much fruit, for apart from me you can do nothing.
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