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Daily Bible Thought > James 3:11 - Spring Have Bitter and Sweet?

James 3:11 Does a spring send out from the same opening fresh and bitter water?

Can a person have two sources of water coming out of their hearts, some sweet, and some bitter? What indeed does this imply about the human race can we have but one source of water, not two? Actually no we cannot, and this is why shockingly the bible says there is not one righteous person that has not sinned!

We bubble forth good and bad from our hearts, and all that our hands builds in this world has good and bad in it. Hence, this is why when people think a religion on earth is inspired of God all they have to do is look at the fruit on the tree, all man-made religion, business and/or government will have both good and bad fruit on the tree, but we are warned that our own mouth will misled us into not seeing this fruit!

Our mouth misleads us when we preach something other than the truth, as truth, what does this mean? It mean there is one tree of life, Christ Jesus, one pure spring of water, Jesus Christ, and one source of life, Christ Jesus, one bread of life without sin, again Christ Jesus. When we defend with our mouth a human organization, person, government, or religion we deceive ourselves to the real fruit upon their tree, we blind ourselves with our own mouth in justifying the bad fruit with some good fruit.

God is not about comparing apples with oranges, He does not compare us with His Son Christ Jesus as though we can be Christ, no! God gives us a gift of Christ Jesus life which transform us into Christ personality through the law of love. We human compare ourselves against others humans, and against some rule of law, creating a competition like all the branches of Satan world does, competition is the life force of the fleshly mind.

This is why we have two source of water, two source of light, and two personality, one of which we hid from others our entire life. Moreover, this is why God says all men are liars. God is not restoring our fleshly mind into the mind of Christ Jesus, God is killing the old tree which has good and bad fruit upon it, and grafting us into the good tree Christ Jesus having only good life giving fruit upon its branches this is James point here, in checking these brothers, and sister into unmerited kindness, not self-righteousness, which curses each other, with bitter and sweet words from God word the bible!

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