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Daily Bible Thought > Matt.6:27 - Legal Anxious Mind

Matt.6:27 "Which of you, by being anxious, can add one moment{literally, cubit} to his lifespan?

Can the legal mind understand Christ Jesus words here, or does it do as it always does justifying its anxious care with legal reasoning from God's word the bible? Can a human not be anxious? No! They cannot in their fleshly mind set upon justifying itself by merit in gain ing standing with God by meetings some rule of law consider religion too the fleshly mind.

Hence, this was Jesus point, stop lying, the flesh is weak, it is a liar and does not trust God! What is required is God doing something for the weak faith found in the fleshly mind person, and what was that? Giving us the life of His own Son Christ Jesus, that is, imputing Christ Jesus earned merit as a gift to cover our own sinful lack of faith through forgiveness.
But the self-righteous flesh read the above words, and starts looking for an excuse, and than justifies it through some rule to make it good, so it can be anxious why lying too others calling it the truth.

We cannot, not be anxious in our own sinful will of our fleshly mind, we can at times not be anxious in the life of Christ Jesus, so why lie and boast if it is not for attention from other unrighteous sinners as though we have ascended about them in our spirituality?

What we should do is thank God for our trials, blessing Him in perfecting our faith in our fallen flesh into a eternal life where sin and anxious care will be a thing of the past and we will actually believe God takes care of us like the birds of the heaven. Until than we are a sinner, confess that truth, hope in God's love that He will change that in us in His own good pleasure.

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