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Daily Bible Thought > Matt.6:28 - Anxious Lilies?

Matt.6:28 Why are you anxious about clothing? Consider the lilies of the field, how they grow. They don't toil, neither do they spin, 6:29 yet I tell you that even Solomon in all his glory was not dressed like one of these.

What does Christ Jesus words here have to do with reality of daily living in a world full of anxious care in toiling to make a living? Well, actually Jesus words has nothing too do with world's fleshly mind created from sin. The fleshly mind cannot, not be, anxious it is created from fear and self-survival. If it does not take care of itself no one else will in a world where the love has cooled off. The fleshly mind is a god that chooses good and evil for its own kingdom or sovereignty over itself.

It must take care of itself, relying upon growth by self-effort, resting, and trusting, God cannot be in the fleshly mind vocabulary. So why does Jesus poses such an impossible situation for us in order for us please God? Christ is making the simplest point that the fleshly mind cannot enter into God's Kingdom by the fleshly mind own efforts too save itself. Those that Christ Jesus spoke to here in the Sermon on the Mount were fleshly minded, under the law, and they had become self-righteous, what does self-righteous actually mean? It means one proves themselves righteous by keeping God's laws and the commandments. Which of course, no sinner, that is, born into sin from Adam can keep, and that is why God gave us the blood of innocent victims (animals) to atone/cover our sins against the law.

Here Christ condemns the fleshly mind and it anxious care that can't stop being anxious because of being born into sin, so what is the point? The point is, so that any honest heart person can ask God for mercy knowing they cannot, not be anxious, that the cannot do this one simple thing by self-will as a sinner! but is there any hope? Yes, much hope - soon God would make a new mind, a new creation, by the blood of His Son Christ Jesus that could rest like a lilies of the field in Christ Jesus life, knowing that Christ takes the best care of his body needs because he is sinless and loving husband to members of his spiritual body.

But the fleshly mind must be dead with its self-survival mentality so that Christ mind can rule us in peace and trust in God's love. This could not be known by those Jews set upon works of laws, in them earning enough merit in self-goodness to barter with God for material care. They could not preform enough good works towards others by commandments to come before God and say: “ give me pay for may righteousness.”

No! It would not work, so they lived in anxious care, it would be only those putting faith in God's loving care that would see how God takes care of them like the lilies of field. That spirit mind must understand unmerited kindness, which is Christ merit that earns us a standing before, and His care, not out good works from commandments we cannot keep as a sinner!

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