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Daily Bible Thought > James 4:5 - Yearns Jealously?

James4:5 Or do you think that the Scripture says in vain, "The Spirit who lives in us yearns jealously"?

James is not saying we don't have a spirit in our flesh, but we do have, and it yearns jealously. In fact, the scriptures are not in vain mankind in their sinful fleshly mind are in vain, not the God of truth, and because we yearn jealously we are sinners needing forgiveness.

Now from this point why did James write such a thing? It is because the fleshly mind is a liar just as it is written all men are liars, there not one righteous. Subsequently, one would have to know when the fleshly mind gets a hold of God's word it becomes self-righteous by denying it has a yearning towards jealously. It lies to itself, and puts on appearance of righteousness towards other fleshly mind people so it may gain merit in the eyes of others.

It will lie towards other thinking: “I have the truth, and that more important than the lie.” In other words, people can't handle the truth so it better to lie, until they can handle it. Moreover, it is the thinking of the fleshly mind to justify evil, lying in this case with good, what does this mean? It means the standard of the fleshly mind given us by Adam sin is too believe it better too have some good even if it requires some evil. Which is the standard of the god of this system of things. God standard is there is no lie in truth, and he cannot lie. So for the flesh to account itself religious it lies by denying the truth or evil thoughts in its heart while labeling itself good.

1 Corinthians 5:6 Your boasting is not good. Don't you know that a little yeast leavens the whole lump?

James simply ask, do you actually love truth? If so you know the condition of your fallen flesh, and that you have these evils in your heart so why are you bragging and lying against the truth in justifying them as coming from the God of truth? Do you have wars and fights, jealousy, do you hate your enemy, if so you are of the world God hates! (Please read James in context as a letter.)

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