Matt.7:8 For everyone who asks receives. He who seeks finds. To him who knocks it will be opened.
Jesus speaks truth, he is the truth, there is no lie in the truth! Jesus says, that if we ask we will receive, he spoke no lie here. If we knock for knowledge it will be open to us. This concept among legal minded Christians is lost in personal efforts, what is the legal minded Christian? It is a person with a fleshly mind, the fleshly mind is a legal mind, and it is dead to the mind of Christ.
The legal mind is a self preservation mind, it must work from its own efforts studying the Bible meticulously to gain knowledge that Christ gives to those of his body members freely. It is the same attitude and nature of the fleshly mind that makes it work for merit through works of law, instead of undeserved kindness, what is a work of law? It is anything that we do to gain merit, merit means, work of law, so that God is obligated to reward us. Don't be fooled here as a Christian, a work of law, can be anything of our fleshly mind that makes us believe that we have gained greater favor towards God than by the righteous blood of Christ Jesus.
Such as obtaining the gifts of the Holy Spirit by self well; gifts of the Holy Spirit are not obtainable by personal efforts. They are obtainable by our faith in Christ Jesus, were God's Holy Spirit is found today, in his temple and given freely to those seeking and knocking.
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Matt.7:8 For everyone who asks receives. He who seeks finds. To him who knocks it will be opened.
Jesus speaks truth, he is the truth, there is no lie in the truth! Jesus says, that if we ask we will receive, he spoke no lie here. If we knock for knowledge it will be open to us. This concept among legal minded Christians is lost in personal efforts, what is the legal minded Christian? It is a person with a fleshly mind, the fleshly mind is a legal mind, and it is dead to the mind of Christ.
The legal mind is a self preservation mind, it must work from its own efforts studying the Bible meticulously to gain knowledge that Christ gives to those of his body members freely. It is the same attitude and nature of the fleshly mind that makes it work for merit through works of law, instead of undeserved kindness, what is a work of law? It is anything that we do to gain merit, merit means, work of law, so that God is obligated to reward us. Don't be fooled here as a Christian, a work of law, can be anything of our fleshly mind that makes us believe that we have gained greater favor towards God than by the righteous blood of Christ Jesus.
Such as obtaining the gifts of the Holy Spirit by self well; gifts of the Holy Spirit are not obtainable by personal efforts. They are obtainable by our faith in Christ Jesus, were God's Holy Spirit is found today, in his temple and given freely to those seeking and knocking.
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