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Daily Bible Thought > Matt. 7:9 - Can You Trust God?

Matt,7:9 Or who is there among you, who, if his son asks him for bread, will give him a stone?

Who are the sons of God? Are they created by God through his own will, are they created through their study of the Bible? Who are the sons of God, that is, are they self created, or are they created by God's Holy Spirit, and not man's spirit of the flesh?

Simply put, it is by God's own will, and for his good pleasure that He has created sons of God, as a new creation. These sons of God are are given the mind of Christ, or they are not sons of God! Why? Because they are in the body of Christ. So how can a hand, or foot not have the knowledge it needs to be a hand or foot from the mind of the body?

How can a hand, or foot be handed a stone when asking the head of the body for knowledge? Is the mind of Christ a trickster? Or is it the loving mind of God towards his children? This is the point, why would God be evil if these are his son's, hence, where would this evil thinking come from? It would have to come from the legal mind full of distrust for God in understanding the Bible as a law book, making it a self-help book; for earning self merit by rules obligating God so He would have too reward us by our earned knowledge him found by us!

But this is the first lie, Adam was a new creation, he was given freely the knowledge of God, but Satan said; “ there's more, God is lying! Yes, God is withholding knowledge you will need too preserve your life alive”. Adam and Eve showed no faith, they did not rest in the truth of God's love surrounding them in a beautiful paradise garden. They believed the lie instead of the truth.

This lie is taught by religions today stating without their help there is no truth, so you are obligated to them for finding live saving knowledge for you to preserve yourself alive by God's word. Although, teachers are helpful be mindful when they obligate you to their organization instead of to the mind of Christ were knowledge will be given freely if you seek, knock, and believe you will find without the fear of guilt.

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