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Daily Bible Thought > 2Thess.2:9 - Working of Satan?

2Thess.2:9 even he whose coming is according to the working of Satan with all power and signs and lying wonders.

What is the working of Satan, it is too be worshiped, hold control , and power over the human race, and other spirit persons. These are works of Satan not just miracles performed in the name of Christ Jesus to deceive Christian's. Yes! Satan is the Father of the lie, hence, his whole system of things that he has built with the willing help of mankind and other rebellious spirit being are lying signs and wonders to mislead people away from God, and/or His love for mankind.

2 Corinthians 4:4 in whom the god of this world has blinded the minds of the unbelieving, that the light of the Good News of the glory of Christ, who is the image of God, should not dawn on them.

The workings of Satan is spelled out for us by YHWH at the creation of Adam and Eve, and what was that? How to enslave the human race by falsely-called-knowledge, which means, stating lying that God is holding back some sort of knowledge that would benefit mankind because He is evil! That one must turn from God to another god, Satan, and later Adam and Eve making themselves into god's in choosing what was good and evil in their own lives instead of God.

God is love, than God is also freedom, it is distrust and fear that is enslavement. It is not when someone loves you and trust you. That freedom was lost by Adam and Eve, its not some secret knowledge. Moreover, here again is what the apostle Paul was dealing with within the congregation of Christ Jesus? Those bring in falsely called knowledge through the principles of the laws, and/or the laws of the flesh, cloaking them as God righteousness Vs. Christ Jesus righteousness, instead of the freedom gained in Christ Jesus, which brings us back to God's love!

Why were laws of the flesh so destructive to the freedom of the body of Christ Jesus? it was because they judge evil in mankind, not love, and what does this mean? It means, it much like going to a Doctor and he diagnosis your sickness, and every time you go back he does not heal you he just diagnosis by laws of medicine your condition/sickness. The law, and the laws of the flesh all of them mankind's law the created does nothing more than convicted us of evil, or wickedness, diagnosing us as sick, but the they will not cure the sickness of sin in us. It is Christ Jesus, as God's love too us freeing us from conviction that starts our healing of sin. How, simply, by not judging us for our sins, by rather imputing Christ righteous life to us as a gift. Without sin we are in life, whose life, the imperishable life of Christ Jesus free from sin, teaching us the love of God. Without the removal of our deserved judgment removed we cannot learn God's love, the same love given to Adam and Eve as a free gift in a beautiful paradise garden.

This is the enslavement cloaked in righteousness, yes, listen carefully, we are deserving of judgment by man's laws and God's laws we are sinners, proven, convicted, we are sick with sin, because we die, the condition is known, but Christ is the remedy whom fixed the problem having conquered death, and defeating Hades.

Now if Christ Jesus is for us whom can stand against us, certainly not an excited utterance that the Christ Jesus somehow trick us in trusting our Heavenly Father YHWH? Deceiving us by a end times prediction? No! Those are the lying wonders the body of Christ must stay away from, hiding in refuge of YHWH, salvation for us, Christ Jesus, the temple of the living God, where he history of mankind center around and not false predictions.

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