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Daily Bible Thought > Heb.10:3,4 - Impossible Sin?

Heb.10:3 But in those sacrifices there is yearly reminder of sins. 10:4 For it is impossible that the blood of bulls and goats should take away sins.

Legal minded Christian's are hardly concerned about Paul's point here thinking they are not under the law, but than turn, and go back to their religions and earn merit by doctrinal laws, and/or teachings of their religious group.

Romans 9:31 but Israel, following after a law of righteousness, didn't arrive at the law of righteousness.

Romans 9:32 Why? Because they didn't seek it by faith, but as it were by works of the law. They stumbled over the stumbling stone;

Paul's point was clear, how could animal blood under the law perfect an man/woman made in God's imagines? Would God use animal blood to perfect the faith of mankind? Well, no! Animal's did not break God's law by sin that is why God allowed their blood to atone for some of mankind sins, but not all of them, such as murder, adultery and list goes on.

Romans 13:8 Owe no one anything, except to love one another; for he who loves his neighbor has fulfilled the law.

Yet, weed-Christian's will hatefully judge each other by God's word, how can such a thing be? If animal blood was not enough to take human sin away completely, how than can a person under Christ blood judges harshly the sins of a brother and sister that's not even accounted against them? You see the argument has always been about Christian's from the time of Christ bring back the laws to justify themselves through works of law, but they is another point do you know what that is?

Romans 13:10 Love doesn't harm a neighbor. Love therefore is the fulfillment of the law.

Romans 8:3 For what the law couldn't do, in that it was weak through the flesh, God did, sending his own Son in the likeness of sinful flesh and for sin, he condemned sin in the flesh;

Its about Christian's using the freedom from God's judgment as reason for loose conduct. You see, if Christian's hadn't been freed from God's judgment than there would be no concern for them misusing that freedom thinking if they are not judged why not do whatever they wish?

Romans 8:2 For the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus made me free from the law of sin and of death.

Galatians 5:13 For you, brothers, were called for freedom. Only don't use your freedom for gain to the flesh, but through love be servants to one another.

When Christian's reenact the law, even though they lying calling it something better (principle of the old law) such as the commandments of Christ Jesus they are saying judgments of sin by laws created for sinners are OK to uses on those freed from such judgment by the precious superior blood of Christ Jesus. But animal blood is not good enough to remove our sins, and when we don't act out of faith in Christ removing our sins and judgments by abolishing the laws condemnation of us, we are in need of animal blood once more. Hence, we have no sacrifice for sin left, because our God does not return to evil, but authorizes only Christ Jesus blood for our good.

James 2:12 So speak, and so do, as men who are to be judged by a law of freedom.

1Tim1:9 as knowing this, that law is not made for a righteous man, but for the lawless and insubordinate, for the ungodly and sinners, for the unholy and profane, for murderers of fathers and murderers of mothers, for manslayers, 1:10 for the sexually immoral, for homosexuals, for slave-traders, for liars, for perjurers, and for any other thing contrary to the sound doctrine.

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