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Daily Bible Thought > Rom.11:9 -12- How Much More Their Fullness?

Rom.11:9 David says, "Let their table be made a snare, and a trap, a stumbling block, and a retribution to them. 11:10 Let their eyes be darkened, that they may not see. Bow down their back always."{Psalm 69:22,23} 11:11 I ask then, did they stumble that they might fall? May it never be! But by their fall salvation has come to the Gentiles, to provoke them to jealousy.11:12 Now if their fall is the riches of the world, and their loss the riches of the Gentiles; how much more their fullness?

David numbered the people of Israel, and God's wrath was kindled against David and the nation of Israel for not trusting in YHWH, but instead in numbers, putting faith in the power of flesh! Here the apostles Paul does not put a number on how many Jews may yet become part of the spiritual Israel of God, so let us not trust in flesh, which is, to make the ridiculous claim that because a person is a Jew that for God to fulfill his purpose they must all be saved!

The full number here does not imply every person every born a Jew will be at some point the spiritual Israel of God, it mean the same as if you have a cup and you ask someone to fill it, they fill it, not over fill it, or letting it run until the pot is empty. The point is, let every man be found a liar and God be found true, meaning, God will not be defeated by a lack of faith, in completing the full number of the spiritual Israel of God, the spiritual nations, the seed of Abraham will blessed in all the nations of our earth, which simply means, spiritual Israel will be taken from both Gentles and Jews alike. The cup will be full at God's time, and to God's good pleasure. Not over filled for fleshly thinking of men.

So many modern day Christian's waste huge amounts of time worrying about when the Jews are coming back, when the temple of God will be restored, putting faith in flesh, like King David did, missing the point that God's Kingdom is not built with hands of sinful mankind, Christ is God's greater spiritual temple, and we are not here talking about returning to a shadow of light under a huge tree of sin, but to our reality of the Son of God where death does not exist into the incorruptible life of God.

Romans 8:5 For those who live according to the flesh set their minds on the things of the flesh, but those who live according to the Spirit, the things of the Spirit.

Romans 8:6 For the mind of the flesh is death, but the mind of the Spirit is life and peace;

Romans 8:7 because the mind of the flesh is hostile towards God; for it is not subject to God's law, neither indeed can it be.

In other words, if there is no work in an area, and the towns people refuses to work for a certain employers, and people from surrounding towns come in and take those jobs, who benefits. 1.) the employer, .2) the outsiders, and, .3) the town people for having money spent in their town by those workers, and the company. Later as those same town people realized perhaps they were a little proud, and only hurt themselves they seek employment the town only benefits more, correct?

What it does not mean is the employer stops production, because all the town people don't want work, or refuse too work for the company, the company goes on and does the job with or without the town's people. So too with God opening the Gentles to complete the position within the body of Christ.

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