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Daily Bible Thought > Rom.11:16 - Root Holy, Branches Holy, Fruit Holy?

Here is the age old problem, which is, one cannot born themselves again, one cannot walk in Spirit by the will of our flesh! The fruit of the Holy Spirit comes through God's channel Christ Jesus into his body members because of Christ proven righteous faithful life rewarded by his Father YHWH.

Subsequently, a person can only stand in unmerited kindness as a gift from God. If one cannot be born again by the will of their flesh, or kill their flesh in Christ Jesus, nor have God's Holy Spirit unless they are in Christ, what can they do? They can have faith in God provision for complete salvation, Christ Jesus. We should not be fooled:

James 1:16 Don't be deceived, my beloved brothers. 1:17 Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of lights, with whom can be no variation, nor turning shadow.

When Christ states that a good tree cannot produce evil fruit, what he is not saying is: “If you work really hard obeying my commandments you will have good fruit!”

He is instead stating a truth, if a tree is created by God to produce good fruit that is what it will do, because a bad tree cannot produce good fruit there is not an option here. If a person in Christ Jesus life, not something written on paper found in the bible, and repeated by religion, but in Christ Jesus, they will produce good fruit, why? Because Christ is the good tree of everlasting life, and the branches on his tree will bear good fruit, but what fruit? The Holy Spirit good fruit coming through Christ Jesus as the head of his body to is many members.

Romans 11:16 If the first fruit is holy, so is the lump. If the root is holy, so are the branches.

False religion teaches you can have evil thoughts and/or sin and make yourselves obey commandments producing good fruit acceptable to God.

1 Peter 3:21 This is a symbol of baptism, which now saves you--not the putting away of the filth of the flesh, but the answer of a good conscience toward God, through the resurrection of Jesus Christ.

Christ Jesus is the one and only good tree, one must be grafted into God's tree of life, Christ, to bear good fruit, why? Because a corrupt tree cannot bear good fruit. Without the life of Christ working in a person it is impossible this is why one stand on nothing but the Christ, no other work will stand in the judgment if it is not built upon by Christ through his body member by God's righteous Holy Spirit.

The fruit does not bear the tree, the fruit is not the holy root, nor is any of its fruit produce by sinful mankind, this is why no good work will redeem a person, nor make them have good fruit. They must humbly accept as a gift freely given by faith, God's love, by trusting God promises in Christ Jesus.

It does not matter one wit how much a person hates those claiming to be of Christ and mockingly sinning, or enforcing a commandment upon them public shaming them, preaching works of law cannot make their works clean or ours!

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