1Pet.2:25 For you were going astray like sheep; but now have returned to the Shepherd and Overseer{"Overseer" is from the Greek episkopon, which can mean overseer, curator, guardian, or superintendent.} of your souls.
Some have read the apostle Peters words here and thought those going astray meant before a person knew God, but the truth is all of us were going astray, even the Jews whom were called God's people, how can that be? Will as shocking as these might seem to some, unless these brothers and sister were in Christ they are going astray. Moreover, this is true of many calling themselves Christian's through some organized religion!
Rom.9:27 And Isaiah doth cry concerning Israel, `If the number of the sons of Israel may be as the sand of the sea, the remnant shall be saved.
Factually, Christ as a Shepard of our souls is not knowledge given through some group of men and woman calling themselves by a certain religious name in separating their doctrine(s) and knowledge from other groups of religious groups, no! It is rather an adoption as a son's of God, into the body of Christ where the head of the body Christ transliterates a person into the mind of Christ, which is the law of love. Simply put, this is why the Jews themselves were going astray being lead by the self-righteousness of the law instead of true righteousness of God's law, which is faith in the blood of an innocent victim.
Rom.9:26 "It will be that in the place where it was said to them, 'You are not my people,' There they will be called 'children of the living God.'"{Hosea 1:10}
You see, true righteousness comes from faith in believing in God's mercy, God mercy expressed in the innocent blood the law allowed for a standing of righteousness before God, that is, in atoning for sins against God's righteousness, which was the law. Those having faith went from righteousness (law) into the righteousness of Christ by faith. Now all of us by faith in God's/YHWH righteousness found for us Christian's in Christ, we can come back to the Shepard of our souls.
1Cor.10:2 For I testify about them that they have a zeal for God, but not according to knowledge. 10:3 For being ignorant of God's righteousness, and seeking to establish their own righteousness, they didn't subject themselves to the righteousness of God. 10:4 For Christ is the fulfillment{or, completion, or end} of the law for righteousness to everyone who believes.
Sadly, so many have not, they find their judgment of righteousness in works of law through some religious group, which really means in the simplest words, what man judges by their interpretations of God's words the bible, if a person is righteousness or not. Subsequently, this is the precise reason we now have some fifty-thousand sects of Christianity. Each group judging righteousness by laws of their religious group, and not the Christ.
Rom.10:6 But the righteousness which is of faith says this, "Don't say in your heart, 'Who will ascend into heaven?'{Deuteronomy 30:12} (that is, to bring Christ down); 10:7 or, 'Who will descend into the abyss?'{Deuteronomy 30:13} (that is, to bring Christ up from the dead.)" 10:8 But what does it say? "The word is near you, in your mouth, and in your heart;"{Deuteronomy 30:14} that is, the word of faith, which we preach: 10:9 that if you will confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord, and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved.
But to return to the Shepard of our souls we must turn to true righteousness found only in Christ, his righteousness standing in faith of our judgment being completed in his perfect life, not upon us proving we are righteous before God by self-effort, Christ is the effort, Christ is the righteous innocent blood, and we are left with is our faith in God's mercy, called for us Christian's undeserved kindness.
Romans 1:17 For in it is revealed God's righteousness from faith to faith. As it is written, "But the righteous shall live by faith."{Habakkuk 2:4}
1 Peter 3:18 Because Christ also suffered for sins once, the righteous for the unrighteous, that he might bring you to God; being put to death in the flesh, but made alive in the spirit.
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1Pet.2:25 For you were going astray like sheep; but now have returned to the Shepherd and Overseer{"Overseer" is from the Greek episkopon, which can mean overseer, curator, guardian, or superintendent.} of your souls.
Some have read the apostle Peters words here and thought those going astray meant before a person knew God, but the truth is all of us were going astray, even the Jews whom were called God's people, how can that be? Will as shocking as these might seem to some, unless these brothers and sister were in Christ they are going astray. Moreover, this is true of many calling themselves Christian's through some organized religion!
Rom.9:27 And Isaiah doth cry concerning Israel, `If the number of the sons of Israel may be as the sand of the sea, the remnant shall be saved.
Factually, Christ as a Shepard of our souls is not knowledge given through some group of men and woman calling themselves by a certain religious name in separating their doctrine(s) and knowledge from other groups of religious groups, no! It is rather an adoption as a son's of God, into the body of Christ where the head of the body Christ transliterates a person into the mind of Christ, which is the law of love. Simply put, this is why the Jews themselves were going astray being lead by the self-righteousness of the law instead of true righteousness of God's law, which is faith in the blood of an innocent victim.
Rom.9:26 "It will be that in the place where it was said to them, 'You are not my people,' There they will be called 'children of the living God.'"{Hosea 1:10}
You see, true righteousness comes from faith in believing in God's mercy, God mercy expressed in the innocent blood the law allowed for a standing of righteousness before God, that is, in atoning for sins against God's righteousness, which was the law. Those having faith went from righteousness (law) into the righteousness of Christ by faith. Now all of us by faith in God's/YHWH righteousness found for us Christian's in Christ, we can come back to the Shepard of our souls.
1Cor.10:2 For I testify about them that they have a zeal for God, but not according to knowledge. 10:3 For being ignorant of God's righteousness, and seeking to establish their own righteousness, they didn't subject themselves to the righteousness of God. 10:4 For Christ is the fulfillment{or, completion, or end} of the law for righteousness to everyone who believes.
Sadly, so many have not, they find their judgment of righteousness in works of law through some religious group, which really means in the simplest words, what man judges by their interpretations of God's words the bible, if a person is righteousness or not. Subsequently, this is the precise reason we now have some fifty-thousand sects of Christianity. Each group judging righteousness by laws of their religious group, and not the Christ.
Rom.10:6 But the righteousness which is of faith says this, "Don't say in your heart, 'Who will ascend into heaven?'{Deuteronomy 30:12} (that is, to bring Christ down); 10:7 or, 'Who will descend into the abyss?'{Deuteronomy 30:13} (that is, to bring Christ up from the dead.)"
10:8 But what does it say? "The word is near you, in your mouth, and in your heart;"{Deuteronomy 30:14} that is, the word of faith, which we preach: 10:9 that if you will confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord, and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved.
But to return to the Shepard of our souls we must turn to true righteousness found only in Christ, his righteousness standing in faith of our judgment being completed in his perfect life, not upon us proving we are righteous before God by self-effort, Christ is the effort, Christ is the righteous innocent blood, and we are left with is our faith in God's mercy, called for us Christian's undeserved kindness.
Romans 1:17 For in it is revealed God's righteousness from faith to faith. As it is written, "But the righteous shall live by faith."{Habakkuk 2:4}
1 Peter 3:18 Because Christ also suffered for sins once, the righteous for the unrighteous, that he might bring you to God; being put to death in the flesh, but made alive in the spirit.
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