What is debt? It is servitude, what is a massive debt so large that it numbs the human mind into inaction and complacency it is demonic control!
Debt creates a vacuum with the gravitational pull of a Back-hole sucking crushing light out of existence. God is light, think about it? Did God create mankind with a debt or freedom from all debt?
Why would a nation worship debt making it into a god? Numbers don’t lie if there ever were a broad and spacious road leading off into destruction we are in the fast lane.
Debt equal Devil pure darkness we are headed to complete control where all light will be crushed out of the human race right into Armageddon!
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What is debt? It is servitude, what is a massive debt so large that it numbs the human mind into inaction and complacency it is demonic control!
Debt creates a vacuum with the gravitational pull of a Back-hole sucking crushing light out of existence. God is light, think about it? Did God create mankind with a debt or freedom from all debt?
Why would a nation worship debt making it into a god? Numbers don’t lie if there ever were a broad and spacious road leading off into destruction we are in the fast lane.
Debt equal Devil pure darkness we are headed to complete control where all light will be crushed out of the human race right into Armageddon!