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Examining Teaching of JW's > If narcs fear abandonment, why do they do such horrible things to make you leave?

Profile photo for Jessicca Alarie

Jessicca Alarie

Middle School TeacherUpdated February 7

If narcs fear abandonment, why do they do such horrible things to make you leave?

Narcissists know they are mean, evil, vindictive, vulnerable, self-conscious, self- loathing, manipulative, unloving, cowardly assholes.

Therefore, they prefer to initiate the breakup before you internalize, react, and respond to their NASTY actions.

Their basic mentality is: “I know I treat you like garbage, even when you give me your everything. You're a loving, empathic person and I envy you because you're everything I'm not.”

You sensed many of their flaws in basic human character. They will never experience genuine love for themselves or for others because they divorced themselves from their true selves. They feel safe that way. Sad, pathetic and cowardly. Therefore, they'll leave and abandon you first. In this way, they retain (in their warped minds) the upper hand.

I believe narcissistic personality abuse is the worst thing you'll ever encounter.

The upside? You can survive. It's a long road, but you'll be a better, stronger person than you ever hoped.


June 11, 2021 | Registered CommenterJWsStraightTalk