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Examining Teaching of JW's > Can a narcissist really drop all other supply, except for one, and have a committed relationship?

Tom Ewall
M.S. in Mathematics, University of Iowa (Graduated 1984)August 18, 2018

Can a narcissist really drop all other supply, except for one, and have a committed relationship?

Supply isn’t a thing that narcissists (someone who has npd) obtains or drops. “Narcissistic supply” is an attempt to describe how a narcissist relates to the world. “Supply” is how they view their world. It’s not this or that person, but every person.

Narcissists view the world through the lenses of idealization and devaluation. Whenever they relate to a person, it’s in one of these two ways.

If a narcissist comes across a new person, they’ll categorize the person in terms of the status they perceive. If the status is high enough, the narcissist will go into idealization manipulation mode, being charming, cute, or whatever thing they do. If they are perceived as low status, they devalue the new person, and treat them like crap. Both modes involve supply. Either they are doing things like fishing for compliments, or projecting their negative character traits. In other circumstances they are jockeying for position, looking to establish their superiority in their own minds, trying to feel special about themselves. They can do this by being nice, or nasty, but they’re always procuring supply.

The concept of a “committed relationship” is nonsense to a narcissist. Just the concept of “relationship” is a non sequitur. Narcissists are completely self referential in their thinking.

To conclude, all interactions with others involve “supply,” either as idealization or devaluation. Narcissists don’t “drop” supply. They don’t “commit to relationships” but use others to meet their needs.

June 12, 2021 | Registered CommenterJWsStraightTalk