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Examining Teaching of JW's > Why are narcissists so good at manipulation? How are they so intelligent?

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Answered by Kim Branker 12h ago

Why are narcissists so good at manipulation? How are they so intelligent?

I think because they don’t care about right and wrong. They manipulate so well because they simply don’t feel bad about playing with your mind. That gives them the freedom to employ every tactic in order to achieve their goals. I’m not sure if intelligent is the right word. Evil sometimes seems intelligent because you can’t understand how they can get people under their spell. It really is that normal people simply don’t think the way the narcissist does. This gives them a huge advantage because the victim never sees them coming. We have empathy and believe in the goodness in others. That is open season to a narcissist because our minds aren’t wired to see the world the way they do. Only they matter.

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June 17, 2021 | Registered CommenterJWsStraightTalk