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Examining Teaching of JW's > What are 5 things emotionally unstable people don't do?

Profile photo for Kristine Stinnes
Kristine Stinnes

Nurse (2012–present)May 7, 2020

What are 5 things emotionally unstable people don't do?

Instead of responding to their emotions they react. They don’t sit back and observe their emotions but rather they have emotions and react to them.

They have not taken the time to know themselves. To value themselves and to become centered and always based their happiness on their relationships with others around them first instead of with their relationship to themselves

They do not practice moderation. Everything needs moderation. The world is incredibly addictive with the instant messaging, dating apps, Uber eats and other convenient short cuts.

They don’t chose people who make them feel good. They choose people who come into their life and think people are scarce

They don’t take responsibility. They are often the victim of something outside them: a bitchy coworker, a crummy job or being bored but they think it is out of their control.

June 18, 2021 | Registered CommenterJWsStraightTalk