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Examining Teaching of JW's > When a narcissist gets into a new relationship, is part of their goal always to get back at a previous supply for leaving them/seeing through them? Or is that not a top priority for them?

Profile photo for Rozanne Castillo

Rozanne Castillo
Lives in Pennsylvania (2003–present)August 20, 2018

When a narcissist gets into a new relationship, is part of their goal always to get back at a previous supply for leaving them/seeing through them? Or is that not a top priority for them?

The narcissist's goal is a never ending need for attention, adoration, approval. They feed off of the new excitement of love bombing the new supply. The narcissist gets bored with the relationship when the chase is over and the supply is hooked. Usually when things seem the most perfect and the supply is totally smitten with the narcissist, the narcissist already has a new supply in his /her sights.

It's when the narcissist gets caught at their game(s), he/she will turn the tables and try to look like the victim. That is when the old supply will feel the narcissist's wrath. The narcissist creates the turmoil so the victim feels unsure. When the argument or disagreement is underway, the narcissist then has the excuse to look elsewhere to get attention and sympathy.

When the victim leaves the relationship, the narcissist will always outwardly smear them to other potential victims (new supply), friends, family members. What the victim does not realize, is they were already being smeared at the time the victim felt the most secure in the relationship…(triangulation).

The ‘getting back’ at the previous supply will be different from one narcissist to another. How strong the victim is will determine how the narcissist will get back at his old supply. The stronger the victim is, the weaker and more cowardly the narcissist becomes-his true self.

June 23, 2021 | Registered CommenterJWsStraightTalk