Examining Teaching of JW's > How does a narcissist react to wishing him well with his new supply and being indifferent?
Bev Kokoue MA in Human Development & Gerentology, University of the Rockies (Graduated 2017)Updated February 26, 2019
How does a narcissist react to wishing him well with his new supply and being indifferent?
Going to be brief. A Narcissist does not truly care about you, nor any other human being nor animal. However, they do care a great deal about themselves. Listen carefully to their words, but pay a great deal more attention to facial expressions and actions. They will not often appear to match. This is one of the main reasons that many of the narc’s partners get completely hooked, repeatedly. The Narcissist, in the love-bombing stage, does not usually display negative emotions nor actions towards you, even when it may be justifiable. You (the partner) may begin to believe that you have found the perfect mate, that is-- until the narc decides to devalue you. It is at this time, you (the partner) will undoubtedly begin to firsthandly experience a tiny glimmer of the narc true personality. Once unmasked, the narc no longer shield true self. He or she will become irrational, angry, etc. with or without cause.
Although many Narcissist display these child-like behaviors, please note that you are not personally responsible for a grown person thoughts nor deeds, especially when they come from a narc. There is absolutely nothing good nor bad that you can do or say that will affect them for too long. If you wish to know how they feel--simply ask them. Since they wish to appear to be a mystery, they will not give you closure and tell the truth, but you may still ask. The narc is very resilient, but they have very fragile egos. They are most happiest when their former or currently being devalued by them, partners are miserable. However, if they believe that you are capable of living happily without them, it cuts like a knife, so keep smiling while pursuing a healthy, glorious lifestyle. They will never be satisfied, no matter who, no matter what, no matter what they say or falsely exhibit. They don’t want your help, and if you persists, you will be the one needing therapy, instead of them in so doig, they not support you, so let them pay for their own therapy.
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Bev Kokoue
MA in Human Development & Gerentology, University of the Rockies (Graduated 2017)Updated February 26, 2019
How does a narcissist react to wishing him well with his new supply and being indifferent?
Going to be brief. A Narcissist does not truly care about you, nor any other human being nor animal. However, they do care a great deal about themselves. Listen carefully to their words, but pay a great deal more attention to facial expressions and actions. They will not often appear to match. This is one of the main reasons that many of the narc’s partners get completely hooked, repeatedly. The Narcissist, in the love-bombing stage, does not usually display negative emotions nor actions towards you, even when it may be justifiable. You (the partner) may begin to believe that you have found the perfect mate, that is-- until the narc decides to devalue you. It is at this time, you (the partner) will undoubtedly begin to firsthandly experience a tiny glimmer of the narc true personality. Once unmasked, the narc no longer shield true self. He or she will become irrational, angry, etc. with or without cause.
Although many Narcissist display these child-like behaviors, please note that you are not personally responsible for a grown person thoughts nor deeds, especially when they come from a narc. There is absolutely nothing good nor bad that you can do or say that will affect them for too long. If you wish to know how they feel--simply ask them. Since they wish to appear to be a mystery, they will not give you closure and tell the truth, but you may still ask. The narc is very resilient, but they have very fragile egos. They are most happiest when their former or currently being devalued by them, partners are miserable. However, if they believe that you are capable of living happily without them, it cuts like a knife, so keep smiling while pursuing a healthy, glorious lifestyle. They will never be satisfied, no matter who, no matter what, no matter what they say or falsely exhibit. They don’t want your help, and if you persists, you will be the one needing therapy, instead of them in so doig, they not support you, so let them pay for their own therapy.