Examining Teaching of JW's > If a narcissist is trying to fill a void, what kind of void is trying to filled?
Profile photo for Darius Schmidt Darius Schmidt
Highly narcissistic June 27
If a narcissist is trying to fill a void, what kind of void is trying to filled?
The same void that is to be filled with all personality disorders which involve a disintegrated self.
Narcissists, borderlines and schizoids are not in touch with their true self, which means they are not in touch with their own needs, wants and desires. This leads to them feeling unfulfilled, dissatisfied, empty or frustrated. They try to find ways to keep this emptiness away, which, for narcissists, is primarily “supply” to enhance self-esteem. This is done unconsciously, and they usually don’t see the pattern of what they are actually trying to fix.
Generally speaking, narcissists, borderlines and schizoids seek to satisfy their needs, which they can’t pinpoint, with things that are either maladaptive or ineffective. They might seek out food, drugs, sex, money, admiration, or tyranny over others to fill the empty core.
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Profile photo for Darius Schmidt
Darius Schmidt
Highly narcissistic June 27
If a narcissist is trying to fill a void, what kind of void is trying to filled?
The same void that is to be filled with all personality disorders which involve a disintegrated self.
Narcissists, borderlines and schizoids are not in touch with their true self, which means they are not in touch with their own needs, wants and desires. This leads to them feeling unfulfilled, dissatisfied, empty or frustrated. They try to find ways to keep this emptiness away, which, for narcissists, is primarily “supply” to enhance self-esteem. This is done unconsciously, and they usually don’t see the pattern of what they are actually trying to fix.
Generally speaking, narcissists, borderlines and schizoids seek to satisfy their needs, which they can’t pinpoint, with things that are either maladaptive or ineffective. They might seek out food, drugs, sex, money, admiration, or tyranny over others to fill the empty core.