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Examining Teaching of JW's > Will ignoring a narcissist hurt him?

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Answered by
Lori Green
Updated Sat

Will ignoring a narcissist hurt him?

The feeling is not called hurt, but rather, it's anger. They are angry because you ignored them, because they demand that you obey them, pay them full attention 24/7 because you are codependent on them. And this roughly translates to: “you can't ignore me! You depend on me for everything! What will you be without me, huh? That's right, nothing! So you better start treating me with the respect I deserve!”

An extremely strong set of emotions is one of the things that separates narcissists from others with pathological behaviour, like psychopathy, for instance.

If you go No Contact with a Narc, they will feel hurt but they will have no grasp of the fact that they may have done something to you to necessitate you going No Contact. In the narcissist's worldview, they are not abusers; but everyone abuses them. They are drama queens of the highest order and they will take even the most minor of slights -- real or perceived -- extremely personally. They are unable to accept that their behaviour is toxic and even if they do, they will blame you for "making" them emotionally abuse you.

July 11, 2021 | Registered CommenterJWsStraightTalk